What is your average daily route stats?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
85 Stops, 240 packages, 115 miles, on the clock about 9.5 with lunch, partial downtown, outskirts, and rural.


Well-Known Member
76 stops, 167 pkgs, less that 40 miles and I'm now at lunch starting at 13:25. Only 20 stops left to go. And I have been sent pickups that are 20 miles away just to come back to my last bulk pickup(100-200pkgs) by 6.


Well-Known Member
not that it matters... this past saturday

112 stops
260 miles
close to my 14 hour limit

contractor needs to split this route into 2, but too cheap to do so (other driver quit)


swollen member
105-125 deliveries, 250-300 pieces
30 pickups, 150-200 pieces
60 miles(plus/minus 5, depends on split/s)
1 hour lunch (always)
130 deliveries is a 9.5 day


Well-Known Member
As a cover driver I thought about the "average" route or loop in my building. I would say average would be around 150 stops, 10 pickups, 100 miles 250 or 300 pieces. 9.5 day. Average. Non Peak. Sounds like I am at a decent center. Not in a big city. Start 8:35 today, punched out at 16:52. Latest I worked last week was 18:30.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
150 stops
250 pieces
75 miles
8.5-9 hours

Today I had 315 pieces and lots of them were oversized. Couldn't have jammed 1 more shoebox into the PC this morning. Total mess.


Geek in Brown
The average route in my current center is 145 stops, 75 miles, 250 pieces.
There is a route that delivers 800 pieces, a couple retirement routes that deliver 170 pieces, etc.