What the MSM won't report


Strength through joy
Posted by Dan Savage on Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 5:03 PM



Staff member
current state of affairs unsustainable. more companies dropping insurance benefits causes prices to go up causing more companies to drop benefits. More people showing up at the Emergency room without coverage causes insurance rates to increase. On and on we go. For all the expense the new plan will have, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up cheaper than the alternative. Of course if the right had been putting forth ideas instead of obstructing, you would have known all this from your handlers over at Fox.:wink2:


Strength through joy
current state of affairs unsustainable. more companies dropping insurance benefits causes prices to go up causing more companies to drop benefits. More people showing up at the Emergency room without coverage causes insurance rates to increase. On and on we go. For all the expense the new plan will have, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up cheaper than the alternative. Of course if the right had been putting forth ideas instead of obstructing, you would have known all this from your handlers over at Fox.:wink2:
I live under Romneycare, so I can honestly tell you that it don't work.
Rates are still climbing and the state's budget is totally out of whack.
Sure the system nation-wide was in a stress mode, since all those illegals got free healthcare at any emergency room they wished and us with insurance were tripled billed for simple services to cover those free loaders.
But why do we need a totally radical new federal program ( since most of the existing problems were created by those very same federal mandates ), which is based on Romneycare which we all know doesn't work ?


Well-Known Member
I live under Romneycare, so I can honestly tell you that it don't work.
Rates are still climbing and the state's budget is totally out of whack.
Sure the system nation-wide was in a stress mode, since all those illegals got free healthcare at any emergency room they wished and us with insurance were tripled billed for simple services to cover those free loaders.
But why do we need a totally radical new federal program ( since most of the existing problems were created by those very same federal mandates ), which is based on Romneycare which we all know doesn't work ?

Romney begs to differ....


Staff member
I think the Federal Government is going to wield a much bigger stick than the state of Massachusettes could ever have hoped to lift. Although price controls are not in place at this time, they will come if needed and the insurance companies know it. This is not a take over of the health insurance industry, but should that be necessary in the future the feds will come in an throttle the goose that lays the golden egg. The proverbial ball is in the industries court and they would be wise to listen to Cramer when he advises, "Bulls make money, Bears make money, and Pigs get slaughtered." It is now up to the insurance industry to decide their business strategies accordingly and keep from being pigs. Incidently, the same can be said for Wall Street in general. There's a new Butcher in town and Bacon is on the menu!


Strength through joy
FBI agent short on details on militia inquiry
DETROIT - An FBI agent who led the investigation of nine Michigan militia members charged with trying to launch war against the federal government couldn't recall many details of the two-year probe yesterday during questioning by defense lawyers. Even the judge who must decide whether to release the nine until trial was puzzled. "I share the frustrations of the defense team … that she doesn't know anything," U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said after agent Leslie Larsen confessed she hadn't reviewed her notes recently and couldn't remember specific details of the case. Judge Roberts is hearing an appeal of another judge's order that has kept members of so-called Hutaree militia in jail since their arrest in late March. The indictment says the nine planned to kill police officers as a steppingstone to a widespread uprising against the federal government. Defense lawyers, however, say their clients are being punished for being outspoken.Prosecutors fought to keep Ms. Larsen off the witness stand, saying the defendants had no legal right to question her.
But the judge said the agent's appearance was appropriate because the burden is on defense lawyers to show their clients won't be a threat to the public if released. The nine lawyers asked specific questions about each defendant. Ms. Larsen said she had not listened entirely to certain recordings made by an undercover agent who infiltrated the group. She said that because they were still being examined, she didn't know if weapons seized by investigators last month were illegal.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Glenn Greenwald wrote a very good piece about the White House Press being afraid to criticize the Obama adminstration.

Does not suprise me as its been going on now for awhile. They are Obama's media lap dogs. You would think news reporters would ask tough questions and investigate...at least that is what they used to do.


Well-Known Member
FBI agent short on details on militia inquiry
DETROIT - An FBI agent who led the investigation of nine Michigan militia members charged with trying to launch war against the federal government couldn't recall many details of the two-year probe yesterday during questioning by defense lawyers. Even the judge who must decide whether to release the nine until trial was puzzled. "I share the frustrations of the defense team … that she doesn't know anything," U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said after agent Leslie Larsen confessed she hadn't reviewed her notes recently and couldn't remember specific details of the case. Judge Roberts is hearing an appeal of another judge's order that has kept members of so-called Hutaree militia in jail since their arrest in late March. The indictment says the nine planned to kill police officers as a steppingstone to a widespread uprising against the federal government. Defense lawyers, however, say their clients are being punished for being outspoken.Prosecutors fought to keep Ms. Larsen off the witness stand, saying the defendants had no legal right to question her.
But the judge said the agent's appearance was appropriate because the burden is on defense lawyers to show their clients won't be a threat to the public if released. The nine lawyers asked specific questions about each defendant. Ms. Larsen said she had not listened entirely to certain recordings made by an undercover agent who infiltrated the group. She said that because they were still being examined, she didn't know if weapons seized by investigators last month were illegal.

This trial IMO will be most interesting to watch. If stupidity and self inflation were a crime, these folks (the Hutaree) would be guilty as hell but then you'd have legal precedence to throw all of Washington behind bars and throw away the key. Early on looking at this case I smelled a rat in that I felt gov't needed a strawman and 9 idiots stepped up with, "Here we is!" The charge of sedition has been batted around mostly by folks looking for a Tea Party angle but before you "stab with your steely knives to try and kill the beast" you'd do well to look back to Ft. Smith Arkansas, April 1988' when the US gov't last had it's most infamous Sedition trial with defendents already proven guilty of murder, robbery, cop killing and other acts that the Hutaree would never dare even consider much less talk about.

In 1988', the US gov't walked into a Ft. Smith courtroom (from a prosecution POV) with the perfect assortment of villians that would seem to almost guarantee conviction and yet all the defendents at the end of the day walked. On scale of comparision, if this were football, The Hutaree would be the worse PeeWee league team when compared to the Ft. Smith crew as seen as the bad boys of the 1970's Oakland Raiders. The gov't needed a major scapegoat in the 1980's and in fact had one and now 20 plus years later they need another but in this case, either the rebel rousers are getting pretty thin or the gov't is even more incompetent now and is just that desperate.

On the charge of incompetent and desperate, what say ye?



Staff member
Not in the first term, no. We were all one for a couple years after 9/11, remember? It was anti-American to criticize Bush in a time of war, Sean Hannity said so.:happy-very: That the media reported on criticism from the left is not the MSM criticizing the president.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Not in the first term, no. We were all one for a couple years after 9/11, remember?
I was not smoking what you were during that time so i guess i saw what was actually going on,
It was anti-American to criticize Bush in a time of war, Sean Hannity said so.:happy-very:
Sean Hannity was that popular back then? I just heard of him after i switched to FOX news during the Obama media love fest.
That the media reported on criticism from the left is not the MSM criticizing the president.
Oh i get it now...


Staff member
Lue, that was about the weakest thing you've come with in a long time. Losin' your fire ya little imp?:happy2:


Staff member
I did not want to resort to calling you names or making you cry like your little sister Deez...:wink2:
Lue, you could loose the Hounds of Hell, the Fury of Chaos, and all the Demons of the Underworld upon me and never would I cry like her...I mean him. Sorry Deez.:happy-very::peaceful: I might whimper a little bit though.