What's the earliest I can retire and get full medical??


Phoenix Feeder
You would need to look at what your supplement says but
2021 assuming you are under Peer 80.

Looks like if you are in Local 396, 481, or 495 you are Peer 80 for Package or Feeder, Peer 84 for part time.

If you have a combination of part time & full time I would check with Southwest Administrators as you get closer to retirement to see if working a few more years might be a better option for you.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I have been told that you have to be 57 in Central States to get it, so I'm planning on going 30 more months before I can hang it up. I turn 55 in May and can get my full pension, but Central States is keeping me retiring when I want to. Original poster is from Southern California, so he is under a different plan. I think its crazy that we have so many different pension and benefit plans.


Strength through joy
I've passed the 57 mark & over 30 yrs pension credit , I plan to stay around until they fire me .
They know I can walk away any day , yet I hang around to bug them.
Considering all the BS I had to take over the years , it's payback time.


Well-Known Member
I've passed the 57 mark & over 30 yrs pension credit , I plan to stay around until they fire me .
They know I can walk away any day , yet I hang around to bug them.
Considering all the BS I had to take over the years , it's payback time.

What the hell is wrong with you, man? Retire and enjoy the rest of your life. Payback is not worth it.


Retired 23 years
What the hell is wrong with you, man? Retire and enjoy the rest of your life. Payback is not worth it.

Let them work til they drop------------------everyone that retires just makes that much less in the pot for those of us that are.


Retire, of course, I retire my vehicle every 50,000 miles. I'll retire when I reach max pension benefit and max social security benefit, but I love to work and I know that doesn't sit well with some.


Phoenix Feeder
You should retire whenever it is right for you, but in the WCT if you die before you retire your dependents do not get the healthcare for life as they would if you died while receiving pension payments. I would factor this into your retirement plans if it is important to you.


Retired 23 years
You should retire whenever it is right for you, but in the WCT if you die before you retire your dependents do not get the healthcare for life as they would if you died while receiving pension payments. I would factor this into your retirement plans if it is important to you.

Whats the WCT? This must be a management thing. Dependents get healthcare for life? I find that hard to believe. Is this something that happens in Upstates make believe center?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Retire, of course, I retire my vehicle every 50,000 miles. I'll retire when I reach max pension benefit and max social security benefit, but I love to work and I know that doesn't sit well with some.

You get a new car every 50,000 miles? What a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
You should retire whenever it is right for you, but in the WCT if you die before you retire your dependents do not get the healthcare for life as they would if you died while receiving pension payments. I would factor this into your retirement plans if it is important to you.

Whats the WCT? This must be a management thing. Dependents get healthcare for life? I find that hard to believe. Is this something that happens in Upstates make believe center?

WCT= Western Conference of Teamsters.
Haven't heard or never knew of dependents getting healthcare for life. Maybe 104 can give more insight on this.
29 years and age 51 here......PEER 80


My Senior Picture
Retire, of course, I retire my vehicle every 50,000 miles. I'll retire when I reach max pension benefit and max social security benefit, but I love to work and I know that doesn't sit well with some.

I don't question that mindset, but the minute you work past that milestone????

There are several in my building, WTF????