When did you notice your were getting old?


Age quod agis
What events can you recall occurring the moment you realized you were getting old...?

Old slapped me in the face this weekend.

1. My Sirius display read, "Wanted Dead or Alive" Jon Bon Jovi 1987.

2. Headlines on AOL...

Unbelievable. Words can not describe how good she looks. To top it off, she’s 48 years-old.

I loved "One Day at a Time." I was in seveth grade. I wanted to be Valerie Bertinelli. ( ...at least she is older than me.)


3. And my best friend and I happen to catch a Rex Smith song ( You take my breathe away) on the radio and we both knew the words...which led to a conversation about David Soul ( Don't give up on us baby) and then the call response to the squads on Emergency ( KMG365 )...then "James at 15" which our parents banned us from watching...with a complete shared challenge of listing the character names on "Eight is Enough."

4. Then we heard the ultimate MTV trivia song...It was the first music video shown on MTV in North America and has been widely parodied in popular media.
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When I got drunk off my ***** on my 35th birthday and cried my self to sleep. Since then I haven't looked back and am loving everyday!


Retired 22 years
When we went out to eat at Prekins one afternoon and my dear wife just had to bring up the fact that I was 55 and could order off of the senior menu. (I returned the favor 4 years later and can you believe she didn't think it was so funny then)


Well-Known Member
When I could honestly begin a sentence with "40 years ago..."

When I thumb thru People magazine and don't know who most of
the Beautiful People are...

The mixed feelings I get when I go in for the yearly exam only to have
it performed by doctor who looks like he's fifteen...

When kind young men began opening doors for me, calling me "Ma'am."



Well-Known Member
When I'm at work struggling with a big package and I get about 3 or 4 young guys offering help. I love it and I hate it... I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!