Who's Stupid Idea Was "Stops Per Car"?


Well-Known Member
I don't trust you on this one. Most PDS's are focused more on preload PPH than dispatch. They also don't have the system rights necessary to make all the required territory changes. To think that they can keep 100 plans up to date with customized RDOs and shelf/floor assignments while spending half their time supervising the operation is very optimistic. I'd like to see us dedicate the dispatch sups to dispatch, then maybe I'd be a little more trusting.


While I don't doubt what you say, there is something very wrong about it.....

First, there are PDS ranking elements. Preload PPH is not on it. There are 11 items with weights and goals, and they are all aimed at improving the dispatch.

Next, while there technically may be 100 plans they should not be structurally different. Different typical days would be posted to each and then published.

Finally, and the most telling that somehting is wrong is the statement about customized RDO's and Shelf Assignments.

If the PDS has customized RDO's for each plan, this is an indication of a very bad setup. BTW, many of the items on the scorecard will point to that problem.

If the base structure is bad (or they are using poor dispatch principles) then the PDS cannot maintain the plans properly, and certainly does not have enough time.

I will bet the PDS is rated low in the country??? I have seen many, many PDS' that do the dispatching AND run the preload AND are highly rating by having the root problems fixed.

When you say they do not have rights.... You are talking about relooping... They do not have rights to change loop boundries. They CAN change sequences all they like, right?


Well-Known Member
They cant change route boundaries, but it doesnt keep them from add/cutting from anywhere to anywhere they have to in order to make the "puzzle pieces" fit to be able to make adjustments when they are told they cant have X number of routes. They have to make their 85 routes fit into the 80 they are allowed