Women at UPS


Well-Known Member
What a coincidence! I, too, am doing a thesis on women at UPS! As a matter of fact, it is a PICTORIAL thesis. Well, mostly pictures. Umm...I guess it's ALL pictures!

If you could all send me pictures of yourself, I will compile those in a, ummmmm, FOLDER, no, a binder, no, a magazine, no, something that resembles an official publication sos I won't get in trouble, I mean, sos I look like I'm smart or sumthin. Remember, pictures! Especially those from your young college days when you made stupid decisions that could, BUT NOT HERE, haunt you for the rest of your life!

Officially, of course.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
At the risk of being sexist, there are 4 places 99% of all women have no business being : UPS trucks, police cars, firetrucks, and foxholes. Sorry, but my experience has taught me this.
I disagree. I know a driver who worked through 2 pregnancies. She put up with all kinds of harassment about production while she was pregnant. I've seen her in tears from the bulls**t that her supervisor gave her, but she never let them see it. She never let them break her down. I don't think that I could have made it and I have a lot of respect for her.

My experiances with female preloaders is that they do a better job. The loads are neater, wrapped up on time and the stop counts are accurate.

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
My hat is off to you Tooner and every other female that works for UPS. I really don't see how you do it. Best preloader I ever had was female. Never had to worry about a misload and it was stop for stop on the shelf.


Well-Known Member
Here's a short story. I wish there were more feminine female UPS drivers. The only female UPS drivers I've met have a thicker beard than me.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Here's a short story. I wish there were more feminine female UPS drivers. The only female UPS drivers I've met have a thicker beard than me.
Throw her a bottle of VEET. Must be all that testosterone we rub up against, and the skin gets harder too:lol:


Agent of Change
My hat is off to you Tooner and every other female that works for UPS. I really don't see how you do it. Best preloader I ever had was female. Never had to worry about a misload and it was stop for stop on the shelf.

Amen, Harley. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the women that survive at UPS. Indeed, some seem to even thrive, surprisingly enough. Tooner, Aspen and all others, I mean this in the sincerest form: those of you that can and do work as hard as the men, have my eternal respect. Those that can't are a disappointment. I mean absolutely no offense when I say this but I really don't want to go head-to-head with a female UPS'er! They are tougher than NAILS!!!! I made the grievous error of making one of them mad at my old hub. I said something--not sexist, just insulting--to one of them. In response, she dropped a box weighing about 30lbs on my poor friend's foot. He threw his head back and screamed, "EEEEEOWWWWW!!" I almost collapsed I laughed so hard. After I'd settled her down from dropping one on my foot, I told the poor guy what had happened. He laughed with me, actually. He managed to say, "Man, you can say that to her anytime! I'd let her drop a box on my foot again if I could tell her the same!" Again, not sexist, just honest but she took it as an insult. This was three or four years ago now and I forget what I said. I'm not a sexist pig. -Rocky


We have a new girl full time driver and she probobly weighs 110 with her vest on...she was freaking out one morning saying...I swear they are trying to make me quit....I assured her she was not that special...
they do it to all of us every day...shes doing really well...swinging
splits and all kinds of crap and shes back by 7:30 in a pretty good mood.


Well-Known Member
You guys forget all those jokes of yours we have to listen to that are not very amusing or funny to us. You will get a polite smile or small mandatory chuckle out of us just so we can be included in the group. I mean, really, how many times have we all seen that big carpet roll held in front of yourselves with that stupid ass grin on your face and all the guys laughing and snorting at that same inane joke about how "big" you are???? Don't get me wrong, because when I start talking to the other female drivers about a good looking hunk of meat at a certain address, the men all give us that same "whatever" look I just gave them. Most of us don't complain because it is just part of the job when you work with a bunch of men. And for the most part, they are all part of our extended family. If anyone needs help, we are all there. If there is a party, we are all there.
And I do think women drivers should be given a little bit more credit for the work we do. Not the women who are always asking for help, but the ones who do the same job as the men without asking for help or complaining. We may not be as fast all the time, and we sure as heck are not as strong, but for the most part we like the job and benefits and the people we work with. Rant, rant, rant. (but in a good natured way, do not misconstrue this for a negative rant.)


Well-Known Member
"..we all seen that big carpet roll held in front of yourselves.."

See, when that happens at my center, I just smile and remember all the odd objects my husband holds up to his "front-self." I swear if he could, he would hold up a rocket-launcher. ( I hope I will not get in trouble for writing the word rocket-launcher...now twice!! ):lol:

BTW, I am a feminine UPSer...long hair and all. In fact, the one day I didn't have to work and went in to talk to my boss, I let my hair out instead of the usual tight bun, had some summer dress on, and he didn't recognize me first. It was pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
Oh My god. Every women in our center has been out on some sort of disability. Out of 80 drivers only 2 female now but the last one completed a 30 year carrier with about 15 years of that on didability. What sucks is I've been with the company for 23 years (NEVER ANY DISABILTY) and when I retire we'll both have the same retirement pay. Go Figure.


Our drivers here have a private "disability fund" that I do the bookwork for. In my two or three years of involvement, I have seen only one woman's name on it. But what I do notice are the same men who
miraculously manage to get hurt every winter, or the same masculine names who have 'elective surgeries' and need to heal every summer. :bored:


Well-Known Member
Before being politically correct and lawsuits were a way of life, the sexual orientation of a female was generally intriguing to the male population of UPS.

So, if a female had some Romeo who thought he had a chance with her, all she had to say were one of two words - "husband" or "roommate." Which generally roommate meant same sex partner. That usually ended any interest of a relationship.

Not to say UPS isn't a great place to meet someone, if one is looking. Some of us have met our life long partners while working at UPS.


Man of Great Wisdom
Heard that our division manager met someone in his office. The company and his wife didn't think it was appropriate. Say bye. Guess he didn't have as much integrity as he claimed.
And I do think women drivers should be given a little bit more credit for the work we do. Not the women who are always asking for help, but the ones who do the same job as the men without asking for help or complaining. We may not be as fast all the time, and we sure as heck are not as strong, but for the most part we like the job and benefits and the people we work with.

I would certainly not dispute the fact that operations people do a phenomenal job of doing the work that generates cash and brings $$ into the company. However I disagree with the assertion that women "should be give a little more credit".

When one selects a job, and then does that job to the same standards as the next person, then why should (s)he get "more credit"? Then by the same token, even if I'm not as good a golfer as Tiger Woods, should my shots off the tee be "given more credit" because I'm playing on the same course?

And as you said, not meaning to be "negative" about it...just pointing out the fallacy in "make things equal", but "give me more credit".


Well-Known Member
I would certainly not dispute the fact that operations people do a phenomenal job of doing the work that generates cash and brings $$ into the company. However I disagree with the assertion that women "should be give a little more credit".
I don't think she is asking for more credit, just equal credit.

When one selects a job, and then does that job to the same standards as the next person, then why should (s)he get "more credit"? Then by the same token, even if I'm not as good a golfer as Tiger Woods, should my shots off the tee be "given more credit" because I'm playing on the same course?
If you are playing Tiger Woods and keeping up, then yeah, I think you do deserve more credit.


Well-Known Member
Before being politically correct and lawsuits were a way of life, the sexual orientation of a female was generally intriguing to the male population of UPS.

So, if a female had some Romeo who thought he had a chance with her, all she had to say were one of two words - "husband" or "roommate." Which generally roommate meant same sex partner. That usually ended any interest of a relationship.

Not to say UPS isn't a great place to meet someone, if one is looking. Some of us have met our life long partners while working at UPS.

Chan, I love you. Hey great post. I wish you could have been my Center manager. We could have had a lot of fun. Wink, Wink. ( ; LOL Dosen't UPS discourage people fishing off the company peer. Anyhow, a little hanky panky always adds a little drama and excitement to a sometimes boring job. faithfully yours, area 43

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
By the way as far as Irreg drivers go, we have two women. Both full time. One does just fine.

The other, on the other hand, is the most pathetic employee I have ever seen. Needs help with everything, can barely do the job, asks supervisors to lift things for her, etc.

Horse**** employee. I always wonder how she ever lasted in package. But I heard that she had a really easy route and the customers did most of her work for her. I also understand she's been fired a few times.

But that's how it goes from what I've seen. Some women are just fine at the job, others are undeniably PATHETIC.