written up for misloads?


Well-Known Member
I never seen any wrote up for misloads. We have a guy at are center whom I swear averages 6 misload s a day and has never been written up. Hey gets a verbal ass chewing everyday by are center manager or a p/t sup but that’s it.



If you think a sup is 'salting' your trucks a very effective way to stop this is to use a different colored marker every day. Get in the habit of marking every box (you are supposed to anyway with sequence numbers). Know your marks and be religous about it. By the way 'salting' is just putting a pkg on the belt or in the truck that is not supposed to be there. Once in a while they will salt as a training aid. You are not supposed to load haz-mat pkgs that don't have all proper documention.

Sups like to threaten write ups or warning letters and terminations becuase it gives them a god-like feeling. Don't worry about it to much. Always ask for your steward any time the company wants to discuss anything with you. If they deny you a steward tell them you feel this discussion could lead to disciplinary action and until you get your steward the conversation is over. At that point you walk away. THEY CAN NOT DO ANYTHING TO YOU FOR DOING THIS!!!!!! And as I said (and 20plus and sx) don't ever sign anything without your steward. If they deny you a steward and request a signature write RTS (refused to sign), DENIED A STEWARD.

They may try this a few times but if you stick to your guns on this they will stop pushing the issue. You have the right to have a steward present for any action that may lead to discipline. This is Federal Law.


Active Member
Hi, I have a similar situation like this.. but I sign a paper without a shop steward presented. well actually a couple time. They say it was some yearly monthly safety stuff is this true? they ask me where is the eye wash place is at, where do we meet when there is an emergency, stuff like that blah blah and i have to sign a paper is this like a write up? When a sup write you up do they tell you? For some reason I think my sup is trying to get me fired because in about 2 month I will be there for 1 year.
Hi, I have a similar situation like this.. but I sign a paper without a shop steward presented. well actually a couple time. They say it was some yearly monthly safety stuff is this true? they ask me where is the eye wash place is at, where do we meet when there is an emergency, stuff like that blah blah and i have to sign a paper is this like a write up? When a sup write you up do they tell you? For some reason I think my sup is trying to get me fired because in about 2 month I will be there for 1 year.


Retired 23 years
Hi, I have a similar situation like this.. but I sign a paper without a shop steward presented. well actually a couple time. They say it was some yearly monthly safety stuff is this true? they ask me where is the eye wash place is at, where do we meet when there is an emergency, stuff like that blah blah and i have to sign a paper is this like a write up? When a sup write you up do they tell you? For some reason I think my sup is trying to get me fired because in about 2 month I will be there for 1 year.

kenmei? Is that you? How's the taper gun thing going?:peaceful:


Hi, I have a similar situation like this.. but I sign a paper without a shop steward presented. well actually a couple time. They say it was some yearly monthly safety stuff is this true? they ask me where is the eye wash place is at, where do we meet when there is an emergency, stuff like that blah blah and i have to sign a paper is this like a write up? When a sup write you up do they tell you? For some reason I think my sup is trying to get me fired because in about 2 month I will be there for 1 year.
That sounds like the monthly DOK tests. Depth of Knowledge. Everyone does those. Safety training. No big deal.

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
I don't know who Kenmei is?
Does he post here often?
Is it someone you all made fun of?
Or just a past poster?
The reason I ask is it seems like it was funny
Sorry for the questions


Retired 23 years
I don't know who Kenmei is?
Does he post here often?
Is it someone you all made fun of?
Or just a past poster?
The reason I ask is it seems like it was funny
Sorry for the questions

kenmei is our friend who used to post here and keep us all entertained---but he disappeared and we think maybe the space aliens got him.:happy2:


tomorrow will be my 9th day. I just think its crazy how they give you zero training and expect you to load flawlessly while boxes fall off the belt. last week i got slammed so badly i was barely able to throw the boxes on the ground fast enough and ended up blocking one truck off completely, filled the door area up to the roof with RDLs. left me drenched in sweat after a few minutes and im in pretty good shape. I mean honestly the boxes were back to back touching for like an hour straight. I just keep asking myself if its worth it to stay... what if they lay me off after december, it would have been a huge waste of time and energy for nearly mcdonalds pay. I cant stand finishing a day of work and wondering if I made a massive mistake like 10 misloads or forgot add/cuts etc, i end up worrying about it until the next day.

NINE DAYS?! Writing you up for that when you haven't even been here two full work weeks is ridiculous. Period. However I was told to write someone up who's been here 8 years for having 1 misload...I found that ludicrous as well. They wanted corrective action for the guy, he isn't normally on my line (doesn't normally misload when he is either), he was just covering because someone called in sick so anything I could do wouldn't matter (to me anyway as I don't have him).

If he keeps on you about this, go to HR, our HR dep would NOT stand for this and hopefully neither will yours. Should we care about misloads? absolutely, but progressive discipline on someone who probably hasn't even got all the tools/information yet (no offense intended) is foolish. This is just an assumption as it usually takes the 30 day period to really "get" the methods plus getting used to the pace and a bit longer to perfect all that you have learned. Though from what you've said it sounds like you received little to no training.


Package Placement Expert
I cant remeber the last time I had a misload..but I hear other people get threatened often. Stop counts too. Everytime a sup says something to me about either one, I just say "fine, put me back in the unload". Funny thing, they dont bring it up again. Havent had anyone get fired for either. Had one guy get suspended for 1 day for loading 1P in the load, but thats it.


Package Placement Expert
No, not yet. My sup said it would be here by Sept, meaning 2 months ago. Ive read alot of pros and cons about it. Ive also read on here about the new DIAD 4 or 5? I didnt know there was a new one yet. I believe were on DIAD 3. I go to air school next week, I wonder which DIAD I'll be trained on. Not sure if Orlando centers are on different DIAD's.

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
No, not yet. My sup said it would be here by Sept, meaning 2 months ago. Ive read alot of pros and cons about it. Ive also read on here about the new DIAD 4 or 5? I didnt know there was a new one yet. I believe were on DIAD 3. I go to air school next week, I wonder which DIAD I'll be trained on. Not sure if Orlando centers are on different DIAD's.

I understand DIAD V has a small printer inside, like an ATM machine. Automatically writes you up when it feels you screwed up.
Mgmt can be pretty sneaky about misload confrontations when our steward is off work for the night. Otherwise, soon as the steward sees the manager with his notebook, he's really good to immediately get to the scene PDQ and tell you in front of the manager to SLOW DOWN, you cannot be disciplined for not meeting productivity goals. One thing I've learned over the past seven months is that you will never get recognized for being fastest but you darn sure will for misloads.

Hang in there on the misloads. You'll get better with experience. Your sup, if he's like my first one, likes instilling fear into the hearts of newbies and acting like you inflicted the greatest insult possible on him. When I first started, I posted here asking about how big a deal a misload could be because he had freaked out so badly. Responses...everyone laughed and joked about it. I rarely misload anymore. I don't set PPH records, either.
I think that everyone on here has said it pretty much on the spot. As a sup, I hate writting people up for misloads, even though higher up management requests that I do. I have had to cover for sick preloaders before, and I have misloaded packages. It is part of the job in my opinion. Now, someone who misloads more than three every single day is taking it a little far. But I would still work with them on how to avoid it in the future. We have changed the names on the SPA label before (actually we do it quite frequently). Letters and Numbers start looking the same after 3-4 hours.
My advice, put it back on them. Make them show you, or explain to you, how it should be done. Also, if you are working so fast that you cannot do your job safely, then you have a problem. One of UPS's biggest things is being safe. If it isn't safe, then stop the belt (if you can) and get to the point where you can work safely. If they argue with that, then you need different management. Something you cant control, for sure. But maybe the Union can help you.

One more thing. Hang in there. Although it isnt always fun, it can be rewarding in the end. If you get the chance to drive (if thats what you want to do), you'll sure like the pay! We are a small center though, so we have a lot of fun, most often.


Browncafe Steward
I think that everyone on here has said it pretty much on the spot. As a sup, I hate writting people up for misloads, even though higher up management requests that I do. I have had to cover for sick preloaders before, and I have misloaded packages. It is part of the job in my opinion. Now, someone who misloads more than three every single day is taking it a little far. But I would still work with them on how to avoid it in the future. We have changed the names on the SPA label before (actually we do it quite frequently). Letters and Numbers start looking the same after 3-4 hours.
My advice, put it back on them. Make them show you, or explain to you, how it should be done. Also, if you are working so fast that you cannot do your job safely, then you have a problem. One of UPS's biggest things is being safe. If it isn't safe, then stop the belt (if you can) and get to the point where you can work safely. If they argue with that, then you need different management. Something you cant control, for sure. But maybe the Union can help you.

One more thing. Hang in there. Although it isnt always fun, it can be rewarding in the end. If you get the chance to drive (if thats what you want to do), you'll sure like the pay! We are a small center though, so we have a lot of fun, most often.
You have just kissed good bye any chances of moving up in this company kid! But your people will bust their rear ends for a sup like you!
You have just kissed good bye any chances of moving up in this company kid! But your people will bust their rear ends for a sup like you!

Well, I guess that is why I also own my own business! Besides, if you cant take what you're dishing out, then you're no better than the people making the mistakes! i.e. Mgmt yelling at people for misloading when they would do the same in a preloaders shoes. Its just too easy to do. Way to go to those who never do. You have my respect!

Funny about moving up. I guess you are supposed to be Republican too. Oops! Another mark against me!! Anyway, I just want to be a driver. Someday!