founders day

  1. cheryl

    How it started. How it’s going

    How it started. How it’s going - UPS UPS’s 114-year journey UPS started as a messenger service with a small budget in a single location – humble beginnings. Now, our company is global and touting more achievements in products and services than ever. In honor of Founders’ Day 2021, see...
  2. cheryl

    Congressman Reed Helps Deliver Packages as UPS Celebrates Founder's Day

    Congressman Reed Helps Deliver Packages as UPS Celebrates Founder's Day -WENY Congressman Tom Reed traded in his suit for a delivery uniform Tuesday morning as he spent a couple of hours among the ranks of UPS drivers. Congressman Reed was invited to join UPS for the morning as the company...
  3. G

    Founders Day

    They can shove their dog and pony ceremony on Founders Day. It's a great day to distribute Vote No literature.