10th Anniversary of 9-11


Retired Fire fighter Bob Beckwith became a symbol of resolve for the country when he was photographed with President Bush atop the charred shell of a firetruck as the President told distraught New Yorkers: "The people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."

While it was one of the proudest days of Bob's life, he is even more touched that the president has kept in contact with him.

"I've heard from the president quite a few times," he says, "I was invited to the White House to the Oval Office and to the Christmas party. I was honored to be there."

Bob, now 79, raises money for the New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation. He has 6 adult children and 10 grandchildren and lives with his wife in Baldwin, Long Island.
As do many firefighter's and police officer's. Thanks, more..............and more! I remember, may the memory never fade and like events, never happen, again.


I was on worker's compensation for torn catilage in my hip and had an Orthopedic Dr's appt. that morning at 11am. My wife Melissa, woke me up just after the first plane hit the tower. She had been watching The Today Show, and from that moment, we were glued to the TV. I can probably count the amount of time's I've cried, as an adult, on one hand. This was one of those time's.
My wife pointed out today that commercial. It was originaly run in 2001 and never again. I saw it run again today and it has been updated to show the rising new tower at the end when they bow with the new caption of "We`ll never forget".