A Long Hard Road


Hello Brown Cafe,

It has been years since I posted on this forum, but now at the turn of the tide, this is the only place where I can go, that I know some people will understand what I have to say.

I know there are many long timers at UPS. Some guys work twenty to thirty years, some longer. What I'm about to say may not seem that special to them, then again, maybe it will. I started at UPS in 2006. It was intended to be a college job. I know guys that started at UPS with the same intent, they ended up as lifers. Many of my co-workers told me that I was going to be a lifer. I told them they were wrong, and they were.

I quit UPS. You see, I was going to college during my tenure at UPS, and I graduated with a degree in Computational Mathematics. I am now moving to California to develop video games for a living, where I will sit on my butt all day, and never lift anything up to 70lbs. Video games are my true passion in life, not these brown boxes that I've seen so many of. It is a big relief to be leaving UPS. I must have handled four or five million packages while at UPS, maybe more.

My whole body aches. It started aching from my first day at UPS. It has never stopped. Even now, it is only recovering. UPS was the hardest job I ever had in my life. I was a part-time package handler in two facilities. One was a major hub where I worked as a loader then a sorter. One was a small center in a small college town, where I worked as a Local Sorter, which was a combination of Loader/Scanner/Metro Unload, depending on the day.

My greatest joy at UPS was mentoring new employees. I wanted to help them through the tough times that I had faced as a new employee. I remember when I first started, I wanted to quit right away, and I thought I'd quit after six months. When I was about three months in, I was on break and I heard some guy say "Three *bleeping* years, I've wasted three *bleeping* years of my life at UPS." If that guy is still at UPS, he is probably now saying that he's wasted eight *bleeping* years of his life. I personally didn't feel I wasted any time there, it was hard, sure, but I made it through it.

Like I said, I enjoyed mentoring new employees. Most recently I mentored a new hire who I called "Tyroid". That was my nickname for him. I gave him that nickname, and now everyone calls him by it. "Tyroid" is a combination of his real name, Tyson, and steroid. You see, he is a little guy, and I said to myself, that guy could use some steroids if he wants to survive here (only joking, of course), so I started calling him Tyroid. Tyroid was hired as my replacement, since UPS knew I was going to graduate from college. He's come a long way, he's a tough kid even though he's so small, and I hope he has a good career ahead of him. He's in college too. He wants to be a doctor, and by darn it, if I can get into my dream job of developing video games, then Tyroid is sure as heck going to be a doctor some day.

Yes, if UPS has taught me anything, it is that dreams can come true with a little hard work. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying all the lifers here should quit and pursue their dreams. Then again, maybe I am. I had to go through a lot of sweat, and some blood, to achieve my dreams. And if I can do it, then others can, as well. Then again, UPS is a good career choice. Despite how much us hourlies hate management, UPS isn't really that bad (except for the manual labor part). I know plenty of drivers that have long and prosperous careers, and I have nothing but respect for them. I honestly don't know how the lifers do it. It's amazing to me. Driving at UPS has got to be one of the toughest jobs I've heard about.

With all that said, it is such a relief to be done with UPS. I don't know when my body will stop aching, maybe it never will, maybe I have damaged myself for the rest of my life, maybe it will always be a reminder of the half decade I spent at UPS. Then again, I knew another guy that quit UPS after graduating from college, and he told me that it eventually gets better. Eventually it is only a memory. Pain, pain, never again, that's what I'm hoping for.




I did. It's not just my back that aches it's my whole body, and no amount of keys is going to prevent that. :happy2: Even the very tips of my toes ache.


Well-Known Member
Go see a doctor. Your whole body should not ache from working at UPS. You may have some serious underlying medical issues.
Semper Fi.


Go see a doctor. Your whole body should not ache from working at UPS. You may have some serious underlying medical issues.
Semper Fi.

Keep in mind I am dramatizing this for effect. I'm not exactly in constant pain, just a little worn out and tired.


Sounds like you need a manhood check. I know a little gal in her 30's who has been package handling for 12 years, she weighs under 100lbs and she never complains, she's perfectly healthy.

Not everyone's cut out for the job, thats for sure. Sounds like you're one of those people who just couldn't cut it when it came to physical labor.


Für Meno :)
Jack, if you are truley a video game designer, I would love to discuss an idea I have of a video game.
It would be called "Aunts, Rats & Cats"

A fun game for all ages with real world scenerios and from self experience.
It would bring fun and laughter to anyone playing it, and for those playing along or those simply watching along.

Lets' talk :)


Jack, if you are truley a video game designer, I would love to discuss an idea I have of a video game.
It would be called "Aunts, Rats & Cats"

A fun game for all ages with real world scenerios and from self experience.
It would bring fun and laughter to anyone playing it, and for those playing along.

Lets' talk :)

Hey, thanks for writing. I'm not sure I can help you out. I said I was going into video games, and it's as a software engineer not a designer, so I'm not really sure that I'll be able to pitch ideas. Especially since I'll basically be at the bottom of the food-chain. Also, the company I'm working for makes specific types of game. What I think you should do is write down your design as much as possible, even drawing pictures of what you think it should look like, then if you ever meet someone in the design department of a company, let them know you have a good idea and see if they can get you to do an official pitch for the company. What you should not do, is send your idea to a company. Because if you do that, then they can legally use that idea without ever crediting you.


What if UPS is my dream job? I am going through the 'sweat and blood to achieve my dreams'. I cannot comprehend the constant whining of manual labor. The ultimate dream is to attain the least physical career?

Your post emits this vibe of inferiority for those at UPS. As if in a UPS employees twilight years, he suddenly has an epiphany, quits UPS and overcomes great obstacles on his way to a REAL dream - a professional athlete, actor, musician or perhaps a military hero. In your case a game designer.

You are now living in the most pretentious, self-involved colony on the planet, designing simulations for children to immerse themselves in death and destruction. All the while gobbling down bags of potato chips and chemical-laden soft drinks. All things vice, controlled directly by the devil.

In writing my post, it occurred to me that I would offend some UPSers. I wrote it anyway. I know that I talk down about the job, but keep in mind I also have respect for the actual UPSers. The fact is, that UPS wasn't my dream job. It was a job that I had so that I could have a paycheck. It was a job that put a roof over my head and food on the table. I also understand that plenty of UPSers have completely different circumstances than me. I'm relatively young, I obtained a college degree, and I don't have a family to take care of. With that said, I didn't just quit UPS and hope that things worked out. I insured that I had a job before quitting UPS.

I do have that vibe of inferiority that you mentioned, not for the people, though. I don't think there is anything wrong with taking pride in working for UPS, I myself took pride in knowing that I was working for a global company. I enjoyed telling people that I worked for UPS, and then explaining that, "No, I don't drive the brown trucks, I'm an inside employee." The truth is, though, that I've known more UPSers than not, that would gladly admit that they'd rather be doing something else.

Do I think that I'm better than UPSers? No. Do I think I have a better job now? Yes, without question, that's why I left UPS. Am I extremely happy to have quit? I don't know. The truth is I'm a little scared. UPS did bring me the comfort of job security and union contracts. I don't have that anymore, but I think I made the right decision.


Staff member
If you don't mind my asking who are you gonna be working for and what kind of games will you be working on?


you should of done the 8 keys every package no doubt you would of met down time.

Truly, you are a man of humor. Yes indeed. Though, let's face it it doesn't actually take five minutes to use the 8 keys the way it does to explain it. You can do it in about 10 seconds. Now, 10 seconds and 3000 boxes, that's 30000 seconds which equates to 8.3 hours? Whoa, I guess you're right. :surprised:


If you don't mind my asking who are you gonna be working for and what kind of games will you be working on?

I don't really want to say for security purposes. I will say this, I'll be working for one of the larger companies, and we develop games for the X-Box, PS3, PC, and Wii. We don't develop facebook games or anything like that. Like I said it's in California, but that won't give anything away.

Speaking of which, whenever a UPSer delivers packages to our studio, if I see them, I'm going to give him or her a big hello.


Staff member
Congratulations Jack. Nothing is better than doing a job you love.

(I've never actually experienced that, but it's what I've heard....)


Congratulations Jack. Nothing is better than doing a job you love.

(I've never actually experienced that, but it's what I've heard....)

Thanks. I haven't experienced it yet either. My job starts the 31st. I think it's going to be very stressful at first. Then I'm hoping it will be everything I dreamed it would be since I was a little boy playing Mario.