ACA...Hooray for The Supremes


Well-Known Member
It only costs me more if I use it. Its not that much more but the writing is on the wall.

ups was looking to pawn healthcare off on the union because of the ACA. It's that simple.
I guarantee you what you pay is a lot less than 90%+ of non union workers. Health care was rising well before the ACA. You are only fooling yourself if you believe that without the ACA you would not feel the effect of rising costs at some point.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Why is anyone surprised about any of this? Once we were at a point where the government could force us to buy something this country was diverted down a long dark path. And what is the most pathetic part about it is that liberals were cheering for it just like they are now. This is yet more proof that liberalism is a mental disorder. LOL!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why is anyone surprised about any of this? Once we were at a point where the government could force us to buy something this country was diverted down a long dark path. And what is the most pathetic part about it is that liberals were cheering for it just like they are now. This is yet more proof that liberalism is a mental disorder. LOL!

What I find laughable about people like you O.U.T., is your ignorance to the very history of this country and how it applies today.

You call liberalism a mental disorder, but were our founders also liberals with mental disorders??

No matter how many times i explain this too you, you still fall back on the talking points of the ignorant right.

Let me try ONCE again.

in 1798, the founders passed the "Act for the Relief of Sick & DisabledSeamen, July 1798"

The Government required & MANDATED that sailors bought health insurance while the government created the maritime hospital system. FEES, TAXES, LEVY's were deducted from the sailors to pay for the coverage.

President JOHN ADAMS, a founding father signed the act into law and mandated healthcare was born.

Justice Roberts, Kennedy and the 4 liberals understand the history of the nation and have cited this law over and over. Especially Justice Roberts who finds himself now at odds with the GOP, because he wont "side" with them and ignore our HISTORY.

Todays republicans and those that follow them, dont respect something that has already been tried tested and established.

From day one, President Obama said the ACA would become law and stay. He was right and ALL of you were wrong.

Premiums have been rising in double digits for decades without interuption.

Today, millions of Americans have coverage that they wouldnt otherwise have and no longer do patients get cancelled by insurance companies for pre existing conditions.

Our bankruptcy courts are now seeing fewer Americans because of this law, and over time, once all the cases in BK court for medical reasons are gone, costs will start to go down.

You may not like it OUT, but the law is here to stay.

You can cry all you like, you lost this battle, just like I said you would when it started.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
What I find laughable about people like you O.U.T., is your ignorance to the very history of this country and how it applies today.

You call liberalism a mental disorder, but were our founders also liberals with mental disorders??

No matter how many times i explain this too you, you still fall back on the talking points of the ignorant right.

Let me try ONCE again.

in 1798, the founders passed the "Act for the Relief of Sick & DisabledSeamen, July 1798"

The Government required & MANDATED that sailors bought health insurance while the government created the maritime hospital system. FEES, TAXES, LEVY's were deducted from the sailors to pay for the coverage.

President JOHN ADAMS, a founding father signed the act into law and mandated healthcare was born.

Justice Roberts, Kennedy and the 4 liberals understand the history of the nation and have cited this law over and over. Especially Justice Roberts who finds himself now at odds with the GOP, because he wont "side" with them and ignore our HISTORY.

Todays republicans and those that follow them, dont respect something that has already been tried tested and established.

From day one, President Obama said the ACA would become law and stay. He was right and ALL of you were wrong.

Premiums have been rising in double digits for decades without interuption.

Today, millions of Americans have coverage that they wouldnt otherwise have and no longer do patients get cancelled by insurance companies for pre existing conditions.

Our bankruptcy courts are now seeing fewer Americans because of this law, and over time, once all the cases in BK court for medical reasons are gone, costs will start to go down.

You may not like it OUT, but the law is here to stay.

You can cry all you like, you lost this battle, just like I said you would when it started.


You just don't get it. You, AN AMERICAN, HAS TO, have insurance whether you want it or not. Don't you see the fallacy in that? Don't you see how unconstitutional that is? It doesn't matter if some empty robes in the supreme court sugar coat it and call it a tax. It doesn't matter if they twist and bend the words to justify subsidies. We are required to buy something or face a monetary penalty for not doing so. Anyone who doesn't see how illegal and morally wrong that is does, in fact, suffer from a mental disorder. Liberalism is the name. The cure is simple. Use logic and have a reading level that allows one to read The Constitution.
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Well-Known Member
You just don't get it. You, AN AMERICAN, HAS TO, have insurance whether you want it or not. Don't you see the fallacy in that? Don't you see how unconstitutional that is? It doesn't matter if some empty robes in the supreme court sugar coat it and call it a tax. It doesn't matter if they twist and bend the words to justify subsidies. We are required to buy something or face a monetary penalty for not doing so. Anyone who doesn't see how illegal and morally wrong that is does, in fact, suffer from a mental disorder. Liberalism is the name. The cure is simple. Use logic and have a reading level that allows one to read The Constitution.
How about we have socialized medicine and be done with it? It would please both sides. Everyone would have access to it but no one would be required to " purchase " it.;)

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
So being able to see a doctor should only be available for people who have the means to " purchase " health insurance?

You are attempting to imply that in order to see a doctor one must have insurance. You are also under the assumption that it's impossible for one to acquire the means to purchase insurance without interference from the government. I won't get sucked into debating either of those whacky notions.


Well-Known Member
You are attempting to imply that in order to see a doctor one must have insurance. You are also under the assumption that it's impossible for one to acquire the means to purchase insurance without interference from the government. I won't get sucked into debating either of those whacky notions.
What does ACA stand for?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You just don't get it. You, AN AMERICAN, HAS TO, have insurance whether you want it or not. Don't you see the fallacy in that? Don't you see how unconstitutional that is? It doesn't matter if some empty robes in the supreme court sugar coat it and call it a tax. It doesn't matter if they twist and bend the words to justify subsidies. We are required to buy something or face a monetary penalty for not doing so. Anyone who doesn't see how illegal and morally wrong that is does, in fact, suffer from a mental disorder. Liberalism is the name. The cure is simple. Use logic and have a reading level that allows one to read The Constitution.

Ok, lets see if I can understand your ignorance for a moment.

You are MANDATED to buy auto insurance, you are MANDATED to buy Home owners insurance when you buy a home, you are MANDATED to buy Motorcycle insurance if you ride a motorycycle, you are MANDATED to buy aiplane insurance if you fly a plane and now, you feel that making you buy health insurance is going too far???

There is NOTHING unconstitutional about the ACA..

The seaman act was a mandate, passed by the congress and signed into law by one of the founding fathers. I asked you if "HE" had a liberal mental illness and the best you can do is come back with the same old tired talking points of the Right wing that you have repeated for 6 years now.

The court did its job. It ruled on the law. It ruled on the history of mandated insurance with fees, taxes and levys.

I get it, you butt is hurt cause you got the smack down, and despite all the right wing blabber over the years, the conservatives on the bench had to DITCH you and your party and rule on the constitutionality of the law.

Sorry bro, This fight is over.

You guys are out of bullets , sotospeak.

Maybe if you can start a new shooting war (civil war) you can kill all the justices and impose your ignorance on whoever is left in the USA.

I am sure the terrorists around the world will love you for taking down the country.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
What does ACA stand for?

Affordable Care Act.'s not affordable for everyone that is supposed to benefit from it and it is certainly not affordable for the federal government to subsidize it. You know the fed is trillions of dollars in debt right?

But I digress....Americans are now required to buy a product or face a penalty. Enough said.