Any big vacations planned this year?


I'm always interested to see what people do away from the job. We've got, what alot perceive, as a high stress work environment and it's good to get away and leave it all behind. I saw a few guys mention Sturgis so I know we have some bikers out there. Next month I head for the sunny/warm British Isles. I am from England originally so I go back every year and travel and visit relatives. This time, with a couple of mates, we are landing in Dublin, then flying to Glasgow, Scotland to watch a huge football(soccer) rivalry Rangers v Celtic and then train it into England. Two weeks exploring the countryside. Anyone else have great plans out there? It may give me some good ideas for next year.


Well-Known Member to Alaska in August. Leaving from Seward and traveling southbound to Vancouver. Any thoughts or tips on sights of interest would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
My oldest is leaving for Marine bootcamp in March and we are going out to San Diego for his graduation in June. Going to make 2 weeks out of it and come back thru Vegas on the way back. Also will catch our 25th wedding anniversary during the trip. Should be a lot of fun. Had no idea plane fares were as cheap as they are now. Round trip from Tulsa to LAX for $236.00. Sure beats driving 2300 miles even tho I do 1600 a week for a living. LOL


Man of Great Wisdom
Don't laugh. Thinking of going down to Branson MO. this summer. My kid is going to Europe for 3 weeks so not much left in the vacation fund for another fancy trip. Depending where the Packers land in the playoffs, might make a road trip to the game.
My oldest is leaving for Marine bootcamp in March and we are going out to San Diego for his graduation in June. Going to make 2 weeks out of it and come back thru Vegas on the way back. Also will catch our 25th wedding anniversary during the trip. Should be a lot of fun. Had no idea plane fares were as cheap as they are now. Round trip from Tulsa to LAX for $236.00. Sure beats driving 2300 miles even tho I do 1600 a week for a living. LOL
Not the same thing at

Tell your son thank you for his service to our country. May God be with him every step of his journey.


Well-Known Member
Went to Vegas last summer. Great sightseeing. Haven't made plans yet for this summer. All depends on tax return and savings and vacation weeks!:happy2:


Well-Known Member
Don't laugh. Thinking of going down to Branson MO. this summer. My kid is going to Europe for 3 weeks so not much left in the vacation fund for another fancy trip. Depending where the Packers land in the playoffs, might make a road trip to the game.

Nothing at all wrong with Branson. Some of the best golf around and very easy to just lay around and do nothing. The new shopping area on the east side on the lake with the new Basspro is really nice to visit also.


Retired 23 years
Going ice fishing up on Lake of the Woods this thursday and friday. Guy trip. Leaving for 2 weeks in Texas at my Daughters on Jan. 20. (late Christmas for us). Will be going back to Texas in March for my Grandsons B-day and again in May for my twin Granddaughters B-day. Another guy trip for 10 days in August for sprintcar racing in Knoxville, Ia. Thats all that is marked on the calander as of this moment but I'm sure there will be other stuff. I want to get to Arizona for a couple of weeks sometime this winter.

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
Rub it in??? You aint seen nuttin yet, just wait till we all get back with pictures, reviews of the fun we had and tans that don't look like short sleeved shirts.

Don't count me out just yet. You never know when and where I might show up.


Well-Known Member
Florida in February for Grandson's baptism, Daytona for Speed Weeks, Europe in June & July, OBX when we get back from Europe, a few Nascar races-Bristol, Richmond, Dover & ??.

It's a good thing to be retired!


Well-Known Member
End of June helping my daughter and her fiance move back to his parents' house near Albany, NY, from North Carolina. Flying down and I will be driving the U-Haul back.


Well-Known Member
End of June helping my daughter and her fiance move back to his parents' house near Albany, NY, from North Carolina. Flying down and I will be driving the U-Haul back.

Will you be helping them load & unload since you are more than qualified? Don't forget to have them check to see if your UPS discount will save them a little $$$.


End of June helping my daughter and her fiance move back to his parents' house near Albany, NY, from North Carolina. Flying down and I will be driving the U-Haul back.
I always get the loading and driving job when helping people move. I always hear how they didn't think everything would fit so nicely.


Well-Known Member
Will you be helping them load & unload since you are more than qualified? Don't forget to have them check to see if your UPS discount will save them a little $$$.

I always get the loading and driving job when helping people move. I always hear how they didn't think everything would fit so nicely.

I also always get the loading and driving job and, yes, they are surprised when it all fits. On their move down we only had one damage (glass top to computer desk) and one phone call to the company and they sent a replacement at no charge.

We definitely use the discount. I have to put it on my credit card and they photocopy my license.

I will actually be flying down 4 days before they have to be out of their apt to help them.


Well-Known Member
Heading to Mexico on Feb 20 for a week, then spending parts of the summer motorcycling through the rockies and spending a few weekends aboard the boat