R U KIDDING ME!! I have worked in the Orlando building for 6 years and they have reciently hired people with police tracking ankle braclets and they put them to work IN the air department! They have been offering double shifts to anyone (even preseiniors)who want to work because they can't hire enough people! No disrespect to the company but they will hire anybody (and I mean anybody)! I have got to believe, from seeing what I see every day that this is the last thing UPS wants to do based on the fact they simply can't hire and retain the number of people needed to keep the business running. Also, if they really care what goes into those airplanes then where are the x-ray machines? In closing, (and i'm not trying to offend anyone) but some of the very best, most reliable, kindest and hardworking people (including supervisors) are gona end up loosing their job and that is a real shame for them, their families, and UPS itself.