Bargaining for A/C in Package Cars


Well-Known Member
Sweating is one thing, passing out is another. I worry about drivers in Arizona and Nevada etc in summer mostly for the heat in the cargo area. It’s a GD oven!!

When the toes and finger go numb it’s not good, I can deal with all the winter weather so long as I can come back to a cab that is not sub freezing.
Only Ari and Nevada Huh? Dont forget about Florida,Georgia,Mississippi etc. Stay the hell out of the back. Select and go. Sort time open up the rear door.


Well-Known Member
Only Ari and Nevada Huh? Dont forget about Florida,Georgia,Mississippi etc. Stay the hell out of the back. Select and go. Sort time open up the rear door.
Just giving examples as some of our members transferred there and I’ve heard some stories but don’t mean to exclude anywhere that gets hot. I grew up near Southern tip of Texas I know hot.


Well-Known Member
I've been on 4 10's since 98. Never been forced in a 5th day. I sometimes volunteer for Sundays during peak for the double time. $1000 for a day is nice.
So during 2020 you were never once told they would need you a 5th day to work. Also I'm assuming you're in feeder. Feeder and package are two different beasts.


Well-Known Member
We usually used the 9000 shelf thing ON pre senority(non preload) drivers.
Yep I figured after three plus decades if I wanna throw a few letters and jiffy bags on the dash it’ll be fine. It’s very rare that I have 11 easy stops in a row. Best 90 minutes I’ve had in a while.
I felt like a rabbit delivering that many stops in so little time.


Well-Known Member
We usually used the 9000 shelf thing ON pre senority(non preload) drivers.
In the airline business many years ago we used to play Fool the Rookie:

”Hey Bob, go over to the hanger and tell em you need a hundred yards of flight line and ten gallons of prop wash!”


Well-Known Member
The stores manager would call out to the ramp all pissy when we sent these guys across the airport. This was Stapleton Airport in Denver back in the day, today can’t even tell was an airport there.


Well-Known Member
The stores manager would call out to the ramp all pissy when we sent these guys across the airport. This was Stapleton Airport in Denver back in the day, today can’t even tell was an airport there.
DIA is the new normal there. Can’t believe the changes over the past twenty years. A whole new city