Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!! I'll tell you How!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Were SOPA/PIPA Protests a Success? The Results Are In

Wednesday's online protests against two online antipiracy bills currently before Congress are being hailed as a success after sites such as BoingBoing, Reddit and Wikipedia temporarily shut down to oppose the Stop Online Piracy (SOPA) and Protect IP (PIPA) Acts. As a result, more than 162 million people saw the protest message on Wikipedia, 18 senators have backed away from the proposed legislation, and 4.5 million people signed a petition against the acts.

SOPA sponsor and Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) recently vowed to continue working to get the antipiracy legislation passed.

The next Senate vote for PIPA is scheduled for January 24.

GO FIGURE, republicans still pushing a law that goes against their own followers! Somehow, 9five will blame obama for this depite the facts.

Cant wait to hear moreluck tell us how OBAMA wants this passed.



I started this.
Staff member
The presidents piracy stand??

What does that mean? OBAMA was against SOPA and PIPA.

Do you ever post anything that resembles reality?

TOS, turn down your snarkiness, I'm bored with it. Try reading the article and commenting on the issues.

Big Hollywood are the sponsors of SOPA PIPA. They won't donate to Obama anymore because he was assumed to be for it - GOP chairman expects Obama to sign anti-online piracy bill - then later came out against it.


Für Meno :)
I think google, wiki, yahoo and others have to take it further.
Stop posting or linking any infomation or websites to, or about republicans, period !

No more fox links, no more fox videos on youtube, no more links to anything republican.

That should change their minds overnight - when they suddenly can't find themselves on the net no longer and can no longer voice their opinion.

I understand and respect your point Cherly, but it is in republican hands. That's a fact.
They have the senate.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS, turn down your snarkiness, I'm bored with it. Try reading the article and commenting on the issues.

Big Hollywood are the sponsors of SOPA PIPA. They won't donate to Obama anymore because he was for it, then came out against it.


there are two types of BIG hollywood. One is union and the other is non union. The NON UNION sector is pushing these bills the hardest. This is the pushback from hollywood.

Nothing snarky there, just an FYI.



Staff member
GO FIGURE, republicans still pushing a law that goes against their own followers! Somehow, 9five will blame obama for this depite the facts.

Cant wait to hear moreluck tell us how OBAMA wants this passed.


Lol, and I can't wait for you (and Obama) to blame it on Bush!


I started this.
Staff member

there are two types of BIG hollywood. One is union and the other is non union. The NON UNION sector is pushing these bills the hardest. This is the pushback from hollywood.

Nothing snarky there, just an FYI.

The snarky part was asking more if she ever posts anything related to reality. Not sure why you think that making a meanspirited comment like that contributes to anything other than snarkiness.

The AFL-CIO, Teamsters Union, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and some other unions are still supporting Sopa.

Bill Targets ‘Rogue Websites’ that Kill Jobs, Steal Wages - AFL-CIO

Why Do Unions Support SOPA? | MIT


golden ticket member
I think google, wiki, yahoo and others have to take it further.
Stop posting or linking any infomation or websites to, or about republicans, period !

No more fox links, no more fox videos on youtube, no more links to anything republican.

That should change their minds overnight - when they suddenly can't find themselves on the net no longer and can no longer voice their opinion.

I understand and respect your point Cherly, but it is in republican hands. That's a fact.
They have the senate.
The Republicans DO NOT have the senate, the Democrats do !! The Democrats have the presidency too. That's 2/3rds. Republicans have the House....just 1/3 of the equation.


TOS, turn down your snarkiness, I'm bored with it. Try reading the article and commenting on the issues.

Big Hollywood are the sponsors of SOPA PIPA. They won't donate to Obama anymore because he was assumed to be for it - GOP chairman expects Obama to sign anti-online piracy bill - then later came out against it.

  1. snark·y
  2. adjective /ˈsnärkē/
    snarkier, comparative; snarkiest, superlative
    1. (of a person, words, or a mood) Sharply critical; cutting; snide
      • - the kid who makes snarky remarks in class
    2. Cranky; irritable
      • - Bobby's always a bit snarky before his nap


golden ticket member
The White House also raised concerns about the proposal over the weekend, though later claimed the president was not taking sides.

Read more: Reid Postpones Vote On Anti-piracy Bill Amid Backlash | Fox News

Obama votes "present" again......
That's the problem with this entire country overall....."the president will not takes sides". He won't make decisions either. "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for everything"....don't know who said that, but it fits perfectly here.


golden ticket member


Für Meno :)
SOPA and PIPA are basically dead but there is still ACTA, OPEN, DOPA, COCIA.
They are all heads of the same Hydra,
And they only have to get ONE OF THESE BILLS PASSED to get what they want.