Biden Clueless, Illegal's Flooding In! Open Boarders!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
It always comes back to the same pretend bs. Every time, this is a nation of well over 300 million, and a few thousand people by definition can’t overwhelm this nation. This was the caravan, immigrants bring disease and crime argument of trump and white nationalists before that. It’s an issue that should be handled and I don’t know if Biden is necessarily doing a good or bad job of handling it right now, but I do love that he isn’t pretending it’s some national crisis either.


Well-Known Member
It always comes back to the same pretend bs. Every time, this is a nation of well over 300 million, and a few thousand people by definition can’t overwhelm this nation. This was the caravan, immigrants bring disease and crime argument of trump and white nationalists before that. It’s an issue that should be handled and I don’t know if Biden is necessarily doing a good or bad job of handling it right now, but I do love that he isn’t pretending it’s some national crisis either.
There are hundreds of thousands trying to get in and that number will be in the millions within a year. And guess what, the communities along the border are American citizens who are seeing their communities overrun. They have rights too. And those millions are getting financial assistance as well as being turned loose in our country where many commit crime. Do you care if an illegal commits rape or murder? Find out just how many do just that and get back to me.


Well-Known Member
There are hundreds of thousands trying to get in and that number will be in the millions within a year. And guess what, the communities along the border are American citizens who are seeing their communities overrun. They have rights too. And those millions are getting financial assistance as well as being turned loose in our country where many commit crime. Do you care if an illegal commits rape or murder? Find out just how many do just that and get back to me.
This is all a lie. I’m not going to pretend it’s not. Again this is a repeat of trump’s phony caravan crisis that he tried and failed to use to win the 2018 election. It’s the same old immigrants bring disease, and crime talking points of trump and before that white nationalists. Same old bs over and over again.


Well-Known Member
This is phony culture war bs masquerading as immigration policy. These people don’t want more Mexicans here. They think it’s a bad thing this nation may not be majority white one day and they want to tailor our society to maintain white political dominance because they believe white people are the ones who build and maintain prosperous societies and that these other Americans don’t. That’s what all this bs is about, but mfers won’t be honest about what they want, so we get oh the border crisis, we get crime and disease, we get oh think of the border towns, or cancel culture, or war on Christmas, or Muslim terrorism, or black on black crime, etc. I just wish we could actually get to the actual thjng instead of always having these pretend discussions.


Lunch is the best part of the day
This is phony culture war bs masquerading as immigration policy. These people don’t want more Mexicans here. They think it’s a bad thing this nation may not be majority white one day and they want to tailor our society to maintain white political dominance because they believe white people are the ones who build and maintain prosperous societies and that these other Americans don’t. That’s what all this bs is about, but mfers won’t be honest about what they want, so we get oh the border crisis, we get crime and disease, we get oh think of the border towns, or cancel culture, or war on Christmas, or Muslim terrorism, or black on black crime, etc. I just wish we could actually get to the actual thjng instead of always having these pretend discussions.
Dude there are more kids at the border now then in the last 10 years combined. You are the one trying to deflect the conversation and not talk facts


Well-Known Member
This is all a lie. I’m not going to pretend it’s not. Again this is a repeat of trump’s phony caravan crisis that he tried and failed to use to win the 2018 election. It’s the same old immigrants bring disease, and crime talking points of trump and before that white nationalists. Same old bs over and over again.
You haven't got a clue. Trump got the border under control by making asylum seekers wait in Mexico. Had the Mexican government put troops on their border to stop caravans. Biden came in and stopped construction on the wall and reversed Trump's orders back to what they did under Obama. Migrant claims asylum, given a hearing date, released into the U.S. population with money and a bus ticket. And you'd better check FBI crime stats. Illegals in Texas alone are responsible for hundreds of thousands of crimes.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It always comes back to the same pretend bs. Every time, this is a nation of well over 300 million, and a few thousand people by definition can’t overwhelm this nation. This was the caravan, immigrants bring disease and crime argument of trump and white nationalists before that. It’s an issue that should be handled and I don’t know if Biden is necessarily doing a good or bad job of handling it right now, but I do love that he isn’t pretending it’s some national crisis either.
When you see rats, you have a whole lot more in hiding. Fail to stop the problem, and soon you are overrun.