

Bad Moon Risen'
Ummm this is a unusual event our time ... I am sure it has happened b4 .... as a American I agree w taking the side of caution
Cuban wet feet, dry feet policy allowed anyone who set foot on our soil to remain.
Why just for Cubans? Don't they have criminals and rapists?


Well-Known Member
well what do you know.

its always blaming others instead of being responsible for our own governments actions. blame muslims, immigrants, iraq, russia, etc.

Noam Chomsky: Members of Migrant Caravan Are Fleeing from Misery & Horrors Created by the U.S.


El Correcto

god is dead
Cuban wet feet, dry feet policy allowed anyone who set foot on our soil to remain.
Why just for Cubans? Don't they have criminals and rapists?
And look what happened, Tony Montana caused all that harm and flooded our country with cocaine. It’s not worth the risk, they aren’t sending their best.


Bad Moon Risen'

Conservatives were up in arms when Elian Gonzalez was forcibly taken from Miami relatives and returned to his father in Cuba.
Now they are OK with sending our military to the border to stop asylum seekers.

Hypocrites or short memories?


Well-Known Member
Thought you'd like it.

If you can't laugh at what the other side is sayin' about're lyin' to yourself if you think you can be objective.

I thought some of the political skits they did later to me were much funnier.

this one looked like they were trying to sell a political message first and make it funny second.

the Huckabee sleeping pill and the nervous democrats nervously predicting a blue wave were to me a lot funnier.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I thought some of the political skits they did later to me were much funnier.

this one looked like they were trying to sell a political message first and make it funny second.

the Huckabee sleeping pill and the nervous democrats nervously predicting a blue wave were to me a lot funnier.
I'll check it out .. that's the only one I seen.