Central States Pension


Active Member
I am thinking of retiring in 2020. What is the chance Ups actually covers the losses l will incur when Central States goes bellyup? I know the contract says Ups will cover them but really how long do you think they will? I figure I will get what I can sooner than later.


Retired 23 years
I am thinking of retiring in 2020. What is the chance Ups actually covers the losses l will incur when Central States goes bellyup? I know the contract says Ups will cover them but really how long do you think they will? I figure I will get what I can sooner than later.
If you have been there 30 years you should know that you can always count on UPS to do what they say :-)


nowhere special
Until the numbers of those in the CS and can vote dwindle down to a few. Then ups will bargain that out of the supplement.

UPS promises to cover pensions now. Because they have to. Only a matter of time before that changes in a future contract.

Although natural mortality will eventually eliminate the problem for UPS anyway.


Retired 23 years
UPS promises to cover pensions now. Because they have to. Only a matter of time before that changes in a future contract.

Although natural mortality will eventually eliminate the problem for UPS anyway.
Now the question is--who will be around longer--UPS or the people