Very good point. I don't know why the police couldn't just do a controlled delivery through the courier; I don't see how having a cop deliver the goods makes a difference, the signature is enough of proof of receipt. Even from a legal perspective, having a 3rd party (UPS courier) deliver makes a more solid case.
Stupid cops.
I have had the same thing happen several times on my old run. I eventually gave it up because I would go to lunch and come back and find threats left in writing after 2 particularly large busts were made.
I was aware of one bust but at least two others were done through LP with uniforms provided by the company without any word being passed to me.
This was a small one driver town-and I was seen as a narc that needed to go. UPS did absolutely NOTHING to protect me after the fact and sentiments were so bad that I let go of the run on the next bid.
The notes were "You are dead,You are a narc,We will get you for what you did" and so on. I NEVER ONCE did anything to discover a package, this was done through Loss Prevention.
My point is this: We all know that we get a package like this from time to time. It will happen. But UPS needs to quit handing out uniforms to the police and exposing the drivers to danger on the streets without something in place to protect us.
I used to deliver a bar that was the number one place for crack sales in the entire county. I finally caused a huge uproar when I refused to go there anymore. The sheriff deputy told me not to go there unless I was armed-and he put that in writing. I signed a letter allowing my supervisor to deliver that stop with me ever being able to file a greivance and the boss went nuts!