Corporate has been in Montgomery hub almost everyday for a week...


Well-Known Member
Rumors are corporate big wig coming to cach. This week. Last week they were paying me almost 49 a hour (ot). To sweep and make sure everything was safe no retainer bars on floor. Do post trip and walk the area for random packages. It also seemed the volume was lower or sent to other buildings. I love when they come all the management is scared and really nice to us. Once again that may be because we have a strong local.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Rumors are corporate big wig coming to cach. This week. Last week they were paying me almost 49 a hour (ot). To sweep and make sure everything was safe no retainer bars on floor. Do post trip and walk the area for random packages. It also seemed the volume was lower or sent to other buildings. I love when they come all the management is scared and really nice to us. Once again that may be because we have a strong local.
Some Karen did a mask check last week. Didn't know. Still don't care.


Well-Known Member
The funniest commercial on superbowl. I'm sorry I called you Karen. My name is Karen. I'm sorry you're name is Karen. :censored2:ing hilarious m and m


Well-Known Member
“Hopefully something is about to go down for the better”, I think to myself.

*me and coworker tell one of the suits that people are “no call no showing” like 2 days a week for months and don’t get wrote up... his response is, “Yes they do, you don’t know what you’re talking about”

Literally had 2 unloaders brag about missing 16 days in 2 months and didn’t even get in trouble.

Lmao this company and the union is a joke. The pay is good and you can have a great career when you get on the road, but working in the building is a joke. People are lazy and don’t come to work and they expect you to pick up their slack. I just don’t give a * anymore. I used to try to play superhero for those people, but nah I work at my own pace. They will just find someone to help me if I get behind like I’ve helped everyone else for 4 years.
I know if I'm not there I don't get paid. If someone else is off I'm working at the same pace.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly corporate was at CACH yesterday. So funny a female pt supervisor slapped a male pt supervisor. The female supervisor is very aggressive and last year she got caught stealing time. She was punching in hours before she actually got to work. She got caught but she refused to quit. I think they brought her back because the ft supervisor has to sign off on her hours so she probably said that it was approved. And the didn't want to fire the ft supervisor. Another pt supervisor got caught same day same area and he resigned. Crazy things happen at cach you won't even believe it


Well-Known Member
No this girl is crazy she only has like 2 years. The male supervisor was not at work today. I try to avoid her at all cost. I saw part of the argument but I kept going. A few weeks ago at cach it was a murder suicide. Also I come walking out 1 day and a security guard is being arrested for attacking another security guard. Not like ups security the cheap security to wand us on the way in and out. I almost at 25 at cach alone the craziest things


IE boogeyman
What are the chances the FT supe and PT supe had a relationship outside of work?
Approving PT sup hours is a quick thing in PTRS, 90% of FT sups don't question anything unless it's some abnormal amount of hours that catches the eye

Her trick only works once though and people like her can't help but :censored2: things up for themselves; as long as someone remembers to care the next time she slips up, she's toast