Covid Vaccinations


nowhere special
Oh look, another left winger obsessed with watching Fox News. Reminds me of those nutcases TOS and MrfedEx.
Automatic response for them to blame Fox anytime someone doesn't agree with the liberal narratives. Fox isn't even that conservative since the liberal sons took over. Just seems that way when compared to the very far left media like CNN and MSNBC.


Your Hero
The $200 surcharge has already been initiated at at least one large employer. Google it at least before stiing it is wrong, or it makes you look uneducated.
Delta Airlines...their $200 surcharge goes into effect Nov 1. We'll see how that works out for them.
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Your Hero
Your opinion that being vaccinated is a medical condition is just proof that you like to make stuff up, or that you believe FOX 'news.'
Just like your opinion that it's not. The courts will eventually decide and side with my opinion.

I don't watch Fox News or any of the others...


Your Hero
Yes they do. If people are coughing and sneezing less, and clearing the virus more quickly, they are less likely to spread the virus. That is obvious, and doesn't need explaining to most people. Your comment shows you aren't thinking through your thoughts very much. Just because you have a thought doesn't need you need to post it immediately.
You need to read up some more on what is actually happening with this vaccine and vaccinated individuals.


Inordinately Right
You can't find an error in the math, so you make some dumb comment about common core math, which wasn't even a thought when I was in school many decades ago. 7 out of 400 is NOT 0.2%. It is almost ten times that high. And 99.9% survival among the vaccinated who get the virus means 1 death out of 1000. One death out of 1000 compared to almost 2 deaths per 100 unvaccinated with the virus means the unvaccinated have 20 times as much risk of dying than the vaccinated who get the virus. Not liking the numbers doesn't make the math wrong.
You're just making crap up.
You're embarrassing yourself.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Private companies can still charge employees as much as they want, up to the mandated limit. If employers find the cost to high, they can decide to pass the costs on to those raising the price for everyone. An employer with a vaccine mandate will over time have lower medical costs statistically. Companies are rewarded with lower insurance rates if all their employees are healthy. Has absolutely nothing to do with socialism- that aspect is pure capitalism, other than the socialist nature of insurance in general.
FedEx is self-insured, they don’t pay premiums.


Well-Known Member
What do you consider a tiny percent???

View attachment 352007
So now you are posting links that literally say you are misleading people???? And Only some of the death have been proven to be directly from the vaccine, and treatment for the adverse affects have been found, greatly reducing the early deaths. And 14,000 out of 380 million shots IS a teeny teeny teeny percent, or 1 out of about 27.000 shots


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It's illegal.
Only idiots think it will stand against legal challenges.
Here's the info from the New York POst that Trumpies love------ and I am sure that Delta hasn't thought about lawsuits.



Well-Known Member
VERY few people wear masks outside
And if they are all vaccinated, it isn't necessary,
I don't disagree, but the opinions are what every US "News" agency is about these days.
FOX is no different than CNN, MSN, NYT, WAPO, etc.....

Read World News and form your own opinions from their global perspective on the same issue.
Fox is WAAAY different than the BBC or even CNN. It is almost ALL opinion if you listen carefully. Reporting what other people say about other people is just gossip, not news, and FOX has literally been banned in places for their gossip.


Legio patria nostra
And if they are all vaccinated, it isn't necessary,

Fox is WAAAY different than the BBC or even CNN. It is almost ALL opinion if you listen carefully. Reporting what other people say about other people is just gossip, not news, and FOX has literally been banned in places for their gossip.
See, now you’re making things up.
I never said Fox was like the BBC.

Your comment about Fox being “just gossip” is wrong.

Your issues are obvious, just quit the BS because you’re wrong.