Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges - Women Must Be Believed

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
There is justice in the Universe ... even if for only one day! LOL

A day after he was arrested on domestic violence allegations, Stormy Daniels attorney and 2020 aspirant Michael Avenatti suggested on social media that pro-Trump activist Jacob Wohl was behind his legal ordeal.

Over Twitter, Wohl denied any involvement in Avenatti’s situation and said he considered Avenatti’s “I’m coming for you” language a threat and reported it to law enforcement.

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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Don't you know Kavanaugh felt somewhat vindicated and a sense of revenge realized.

There’s a delicious irony to all of this, however. Aren’t we supposed to believe all women here? Is Avenatti calling this woman he allegedly had a physical altercation with a liar? Is he a beater of women?
The evidence is not there, but that’s the Left’s rules. Believe all women, all allegations, no matter what because that’s how abjectly stupid these people are; they don’t think women, who last time I checked were part of the human race, can—or would—lie. We’re human beings, and everyone lies.


Well-Known Member
I like when he tweeted out a picture of a cd in a vault...some real Geraldo-Al Capone’s vault type of crap.

Just fronting.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
There is justice in the Universe ... even if for only one day! LOL

A day after he was arrested on domestic violence allegations, Stormy Daniels attorney and 2020 aspirant Michael Avenatti suggested on social media that pro-Trump activist Jacob Wohl was behind his legal ordeal.

Over Twitter, Wohl denied any involvement in Avenatti’s situation and said he considered Avenatti’s “I’m coming for you” language a threat and reported it to law enforcement.

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Well, guess the odds of Hillary running again in 2020 just went up a smidge.

(puts on weighted straight jacket and jumps off tallest local bridge)


Well-Known Member
Don't you know Kavanaugh felt somewhat vindicated and a sense of revenge realized.

There’s a delicious irony to all of this, however. Aren’t we supposed to believe all women here? Is Avenatti calling this woman he allegedly had a physical altercation with a liar? Is he a beater of women?
The evidence is not there, but that’s the Left’s rules. Believe all women, all allegations, no matter what because that’s how abjectly stupid these people are; they don’t think women, who last time I checked were part of the human race, can—or would—lie. We’re human beings, and everyone lies.
The police said the woman's face was swollen. That's a lot more evidence than the woman he brought forth at the Kavanaugh hearing had. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.