Darn that new technology


Strength through joy
Self-driving cars could function as moving brothels, academics predict

Self-driving cars could function as moving brothels, academics predict

A paper by researchers at the University of Surrey and Oxford suggests that "pay-per-hour" hotel rooms are likely to be replaced by autonomous cars when the technology is introduced.

"While SCAVs [shared, connected autonomous vehicles] will likely be monitored to deter passengers having sex or using drugs in them, and to prevent violence, such surveillance may be rapidly overcome, disabled or removed.

"Moreover, personal CAVs will likely be immune from such surveillance. Such private CAVs may also be put to commercial use, as it is just a small leap to imagine Amsterdam’s Red Light District ‘on the move’," the paper says.

The study titled "Autonomous vehicles and the future of urban tourism", published in the Annals of Tourism Research, also suggests that the budget hotel and flight industry could suffer if the cars are introduced, as travellers opt to sleep in their cars and travel overnight between cities that they might otherwise have flown between.


Well-Known Member
right now some people can afford their own cars, although these days im assuming alot of it is in debt.

but in the future the economy will continue its trend of becoming worse, and with everyone poor, you will just rent a spot on a car like you do on a plane.

and i just saw a video of an office worker remotely moving his tesla every 2 hours to avoid parking enforcement.


Strength through joy
rickyb, this could be the fix for getting people to move out of their parent's basements, getting the homeless off the streets, and immigration. Just put them in a SCAV and keep the car in motion going anywhere but here.


Well-Known Member
rickyb, this could be the fix for getting people to move out of their parent's basements, getting the homeless off the streets, and immigration. Just put them in a SCAV and keep the car in motion going anywhere but here.
people are already moving into camper vans in higher numbers because of the :censored2:ty capitalism


Strength through joy
The new progression downward is basement, friend's basement, broken down U-Haul, used van, then a tent or just a cardboard box along the sidewalk. Only those with money can afford the RVs. I know of a 1986 ford camper with a V-8 , that runs . Being put on the market soon, southern Georgia.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The new progression downward is basement, friend's basement, broken down U-Haul, used van, then a tent or just a cardboard box along the sidewalk. Only those with money can afford the RVs. I know of a 1986 ford camper with a V-8 , that runs . Being put on the market soon, southern Georgia.
I sold my 6x12 Cargo trailer that I converted to camping trailer to a guy today.
He plans to use it to sleep in outside his workshop in his mom's backyard.
The camper has a heater and A/C but no toilet or running water.
It does happen.


Well-Known Member
The new progression downward is basement, friend's basement, broken down U-Haul, used van, then a tent or just a cardboard box along the sidewalk. Only those with money can afford the RVs. I know of a 1986 ford camper with a V-8 , that runs . Being put on the market soon, southern Georgia.
even the mercedes sprinters arent cheap


Retired 23 years
I sold my 6x12 Cargo trailer that I converted to camping trailer to a guy today.
He plans to use it to sleep in outside his workshop in his mom's backyard.
The camper has a heater and A/C but no toilet or running water.
It does happen.

He better hope the area is zoned for multiple family dwellings. And no toilet facilities?----- he won't last long if your local government agency is on the ball.


nowhere special
I sold my 6x12 Cargo trailer that I converted to camping trailer to a guy today.
He plans to use it to sleep in outside his workshop in his mom's backyard.
The camper has a heater and A/C but no toilet or running water.
It does happen.


Well-Known Member
He better hope the area is zoned for multiple family dwellings. And no toilet facilities?----- he won't last long if your local government agency is on the ball.
no toilets is easy.

the hard part i think is cooking. ive only done it in america and ive never cooked. i went to super markets for some foods and ate out for others.