Drip Drip Drip - Wikileaks


Inordinately Right
I haven't seen anything earth shattering out of Wikileaks. Looks like a bunch of political sausage making.
You have to admit how interesting it is though.

Raw footage of the military murdering civilians and reporters from an Apache helicopter.
Not a word from the republicans.
Some of Hillary's emails released, and all the sudden they're interested.


Inordinately Right
Leaks—they used to be good, but now they are bad, the organization dedicated solely to publishing leaked private information declared this morning.

It’s an interesting pivot for the website that published thousands of private emails for political reasons just this very summer, until you consider that those emails were disfavorable to Democrats, and this information is disfavorable to both Russia and Donald Trump.



Staff member
Leaks—they used to be good, but now they are bad, the organization dedicated solely to publishing leaked private information declared this morning.

It’s an interesting pivot for the website that published thousands of private emails for political reasons just this very summer, until you consider that those emails were disfavorable to Democrats, and this information is disfavorable to both Russia and Donald Trump.


That really does take a set of brass ones.


Strength through joy
FBI Quietly Releases 300 Pages Of Hillary Clinton Investigation Records

The FBI quietly released nearly 300 pages of records from its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server on Sunday night.

This is the fifth release of Clinton investigation records from the FBI. The documents deal with the handling of computer hardware collected from Clinton’s lawyers for the investigation and also contain emails from FBI officials discussing the classification of Clinton’s emails.

