earn and learn for seasonal people?

i have an interview today and im pretty much a sure hire since im friends with a lot of sups and what not but im just wanting the job mostly for the earn and learn but my roommate said i would be a seasonal and if i liked it to just tell him and ill get re-hired or something but can i get the $1,500 or whatever its pro-rated out to be even though i would be a seasonal?


Well-Known Member
i would be a seasonal and if i liked it to just tell him and ill get re-hired or something but can i get the $1,500 or whatever its pro-rated out to be even though i would be a seasonal?



Well-Known Member
i have an interview today and im pretty much a sure hire since im friends with a lot of sups and what not but im just wanting the job mostly for the earn and learn but my roommate said i would be a seasonal and if i liked it to just tell him and ill get re-hired or something but can i get the $1,500 or whatever its pro-rated out to be even though i would be a seasonal?

Youre seasonal, you dont get diddly. That would be sort of stupid when you think about it, lets give Joe Schmoe money for college, and then not hire him. UPS would lose to much money, and frankly, no temps in any company getting nothing more than a paycheck, which is why they have a job.
but im going not to quit or leave after jan. 1 so i didnt know and here they give $3000 a school year or $1500 for a semester for hourlies and $2k a sememster for sups


but im going not to quit or leave after jan. 1 so i didnt know and here they give $3000 a school year or $1500 for a semester for hourlies and $2k a sememster for sups

i know you may not quit, but since your seasonal, UPS doesn't have to keep you. Often times if you work hard and show up everyday they hire you on, but not always. If they keep you, then you are eligible for earn and learn if your center/hub offers it


Well-Known Member
but im going not to quit or leave after jan. 1 so i didnt know and here they give $3000 a school year or $1500 for a semester for hourlies and $2k a sememster for sups

But this is the problem....you are a temporary hire, even if you have plans on staying, that doesn't say that UPS has the same plan for you. They may very well rid themselves of you after peak, and you may never hear anything from them again, that is your problem/obstacle. They will not pay for anything for a temp hire period end of story, regardless of whether you want to stay or not.


Industrial Slob
but im going not to quit or leave after jan. 1 so i didnt know and here they give $3000 a school year or $1500 for a semester for hourlies and $2k a sememster for sups
you must start work before the first day of your classes and you must provide proof of your grades when your semester is done, provided you are still employed.

if you started in september, or prior to and including october 23, you're SOL.


Well-Known Member
But this is the problem....you are a temporary hire, even if you have plans on staying, that doesn't say that UPS has the same plan for you. They may very well rid themselves of you after peak, and you may never hear anything from them again, that is your problem/obstacle. They will not pay for anything for a temp hire period end of story, regardless of whether you want to stay or not.

Here is your answer...UPS will not acknowledge you where even employed with them until you are a permanent hire. Simple as that. Your employment verification will show you where only employed from the time you start permanent employment.


Well-Known Member
Here is your answer...UPS will not acknowledge you where even employed with them until you are a permanent hire. Simple as that. Your employment verification will show you where only employed from the time you start permanent employment.

I respectfully disagree with you on that. I was a seasonal hire back in 1998, the references from my supervisors @ UPS and putting UPS on my application helped me secure other employment.


Well-Known Member
ok for those of you just waiting to disagree, you get a reference. I was a seasonal, your official hire date for seniority and everything will start only when and if you are rehired in January. All you will get will be a check, no bennies of any kind.


I respectfully disagree with you on that. I was a seasonal hire back in 1998, the references from my supervisors @ UPS and putting UPS on my application helped me secure other employment.

sure you can get 'references' from sups. But UPS as a corporation will not acknowledge your existence...


Well-Known Member
ok for those of you just waiting to disagree, you get a reference. I was a seasonal, your official hire date for seniority and everything will start only when and if you are rehired in January. All you will get will be a check, no bennies of any kind.

Thanks for your confirmation of what I said! The only reason I knew, is because I started out as a seasonal hire myself, and when I have had my employment verified for a house loan, it has my Permament hire date, the next year, not my seasonal hire date.


Retired 23 years
I think your real problem is if you get hired and your co-workers find out you are "friends with a lot of sups". I see favortisim complaints on the horizon - even if not true.
well my roommate would be my boss but he isnt the type to play favorites...im not the only friend he has that is an unloader..he turns into an ******* at work no matter who you are...but here they do pro-rate the earn and learn pay even if you get hired mid semester..but i do see where you are coming from


You might want to get your stories straight. They do not pro-rate for earn and learn mid-semester. You have thirty days from the start of classes to get that form in. If you do not, tough luck and wait till next semester. This applies to all UPS. Earn and learn has the same rules everywhere. Don't brainwash some kid that just started into going to hr and being laughed at. You haven't even started yet. You're definitely not an expert on this topic or anything to do with employment life at UPS.


Industrial Slob
well my roommate would be my boss but he isnt the type to play favorites...im not the only friend he has that is an unloader..he turns into an ******* at work no matter who you are...but here they do pro-rate the earn and learn pay even if you get hired mid semester..but i do see where you are coming from
if you are so sure you're going to get earn+learn, why are you 'discussing' it with us?
for one this is straight from the UPS site so maybe you need to know what your talking about...

"Students are eligible for Earn and Learn the day they are hired and benefits are pro-rated accordingly if a student is hired mid-semester."