Fellow Driver Question


Active Member
To all of my fellow drivers. I wanted to confirm with you guys on this. After peak season, I have to work 30 days in 60 days. So if I'm calulating right 60 days after dec 25th is march 17th....With that being said I would calulcate my days that i worked until 0ct 15th, and also add the days from dec 25th until present? Please help.:confused:1


Well-Known Member
Where is your shop steward? Also didn't you say a couple of weeks ago that you had made it? Get the shop steward, ask him to go with you to the Center Mgr and ask him to pull your attendance records. Then count how many days you have worked. This is not that hard to do.


Active Member
I have been in contact with him. All he keeps on telling me dont say anything to anyone and when you think you have your 30 days come to me. I will go to him first thing tomorrow morning


Staff member
Do what he says. He's worried that if they hear that you are almost at 30, they'll stop working you. Make sure you have 30 BEFORE you go to the center manager.


Well-Known Member
Beach-If he wont check the records with you see if you can see the end of week ops reports back to first week of january then count how many days you worked


Sounds like we have a trust issue here. Your paystubs should also tell you how many you have worked if you feel the stealth mode is best.


Staff member
"Sounds like we have a trust issue here."

From the ERI:

My management team promotes an atmosphere of openess and trust.

Strongly disagree.