Finally some good news

El Correcto

god is dead
Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'

Apparently the gross stupid insects are dying.

El Correcto

god is dead
Not sure I understand how the collapse of nature is a good thing unless it leads to the collapse of the human race which, ultimately, may be a good thing.
Because bugs freak me out. I delivered a box to an apartment today and the lady had a 1lb moth on her door, I could hear it’s heart beat. I almost sheeted the package Emergency conditions.


Well-Known Member
Because bugs freak me out.

Did you read the link in your OP?
Mankind and it's food source is threatened by the extinction of pollinating insects which are vital to the food source and survival on mankind and you're scared of a little moth that wasn't hurting anyone?

Is your scope really that narrow?
Is there anyone else on this planet besides you?


El Correcto

god is dead
Did you read the link in your OP?
Mankind and it's food source is threatened by the extinction of pollinating insects which are vital to the food source and survival on mankind and you're scared of a little moth that wasn't hurting anyone?

Is your scope really that narrow?
Is there anyone else on this planet besides you?

Small price to pay to get rid of the icky insects that’s mildly inconvenience me.


Retired 23 years
Because bugs freak me out. I delivered a box to an apartment today and the lady had a 1lb moth on her door, I could hear it’s heart beat. I almost sheeted the package Emergency conditions.
I'm surprised you didn't as big as pusillanimous as drivers are now days.:-)


It’s too late to worry about that. Even with drug induced brain damage I’m smarter than you.
When you're scared to death by a moth, I seriously doubt that. Besides all you do is post regurgitated Reddit garbage. No original thoughts whatsoever. Sad..