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Click on My Life and Career/ Education/ UPS Education Assistance and go to Frequently asked questions.
Responsibilities of Full-time Employees Leaving UPS
I am a participant in the full-time Tuition Assistance Program and I have decided to leave UPS. Will I still receive tuition assistance for my remaining coursework? For all coursework started after January 1, 2006, you will be responsible for repaying UPS all tuition assistance payments made on your behalf in a two-year period leading up to your departure. This policy applies for coursework approved for both undergraduate and graduate programs. This policy does not apply to part-time supervisors.
If I am currently using the tuition assistance program will I have to pay back up to two years of the classes I have already taken? The UPS payback requirement is not retroactive. Any classes taken after January 1, 2006 will be included in the payback requirement. The payback requirement applies to all full-time employees participating in the tuition assistance program. Part-time supervisors participating in the program are not included in the payback requirement.
How does the two-year payback requirement work for full-time employees? The tuition program payback requirement applies only to the last two years. When a full-time employee decides to leave UPS, the system will pick this information up, "look back" two years from the date of termination, and calculate all tuition program expenditures made on the employee's behalf during this time. This amount is what the employee owes UPS.
If a person works more than two years after their last tuition reimbursement, they are not responsible for reimbursing their tuition assistance. The only situation where a person can escape two-year payback requirement is through normal retirement.
To which employees does the payback apply? The payback applies to all full-time employees, management, and nonmanagement.
Does the payback include cases where UPS ends the employment, not the employee? A termination by UPS does not automatically release an employee from their two-year tuition repayment obligation. These situations need to be documented on a case-by-case basis. Local H.R. management may elect to waive the tuition reimbursement requirement, depending on the individual situation. In all cases, the local decision must be documented and communicated to the plan administrator, Edcor.
Does the full-time employee reimbursement payback refer to one or more classes or does it only apply only if you receive a degree? Reimbursement payback applies to all expenses booked within the tuition assistance program on behalf of the employee, regardless whether the degree is completed or not.
Part-time Employees Receiving Tuition Assistance
Will the maximum per term decrease for part time employees? While UPS reserves the right to make tuition plan changes at any time, at this point we do not plan on making any changes to either part-time management, or part-time nonmanagement tuition program thresholds.
I am a part-time employee attending a school with Deferred Payment. How will I be reimbursed for books? Part-time employees will receive an automatic $25 per course, and this payment will be added onto your tuition reimbursement check. Part-time hourly employees attending an Earn and Learn Partnership School under the current deferred billing plan will receive a $25 book payment per course when the school submits their invoice to Edcor. To collect the book reimbursement, you must be actively employed at the time of school invoice submission.
Are part-time employees required to pay back tuition expenses? No, part-time employees are not required to pay back tuition.
With all applications moving to an electronic platform, how will this affect part-time revenue auditor employees, who currently do not show as eligible within the Edcor system?
Handling the needs or UPS revenue auditors has been a continuing problem due to the fact that they are assigned to a single District SLIC that crosses building boundaries. This problem will be fixed as part of an internal project currently underway to replace SLIC with Oracle Location Code as the fundamental eligibility tool within tuition programs. After this programming is complete, revenue auditor employees will have full access to the electronic application process.
How are master's degrees affected within UPS part-time tuition programs? There are no restrictions within UPS part-time tuition programs concerning master’s degrees. As long as an employee’s program does not exceed program tuition limits, courses of study are not affected.
What happens when a part-time employee becomes full-time? The part-time employee’s program of study will be reexamined on a case-by-case basis when they transition to full-time employment.
Contact your supervisor, manager, and Human Resources representative with any further questions regarding your specific tuition assistance situation.