JUDGE OK'S Female Genital Mutilation

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
The defendants called it a minor nick
What exactly is cut off?
Some go to the extreme of cutting off the clitoris and sewing the vagina closed except a hole small enough to urinate out of. There are different ways to do FGM. None serve any benefit to a girl/woman. It’s barbaric.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Some go to the extreme of cutting off the clitoris and sewing the vagina closed except a hole small enough to urinate out of. There are different ways to do FGM. None serve any benefit to a girl/woman. It’s barbaric.
More than a nick. Sounds like surgery.


Retired 23 years
Then there was the little boy born without eyelids and the doctors used the foreskin to recreate those. The boy is doing fine but he’s a little cockeyed


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I think the PC Police are afraid of this because it involves Muslims. For example, where is Ilhan Omar, the Congresswoman elect? What is her position on this?