Let's give Stug a middle name

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
As was posted in "Guess Upstate's middle name", Stug let it be known that he has no middle name
"Sadly enough, being the last of 7 children (6 of whom have middle names), Mom ran out of middle names when she got to me. Honest Injun." Let's give him one so he can continue on with his life without being shortchanged.
Any suggestions?


Nine Lives
As was posted in "Guess Upstate's middle name", Stug let it be known that he has no middle name
"Sadly enough, being the last of 7 children (6 of whom have middle names), Mom ran out of middle names when she got to me. Honest Injun." Let's give him one so he can continue on with his life without being shortchanged.
Any suggestions?

Ziffel is my suggestion.
The pig's full name was Arnold Ziffel.
Upstate = Arnold
Stug = Ziffel
This will give these two something in common other than prolific posting. :wink2:
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We don't have to give him a middle finger, we've all seen that picture associated with "Corporate Monitor, click here"



Hmmmm, Steven Strange. Sounds like a porn name. Steven!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you been holding out on us? :surprised:

sounds like none other than the sorcerer supreme, better known as Doctor Strange.

Marvel Universe

Real Name
Stephen Vincent Strange

Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts, Stephen Sanders, Captain Universe, Vincent Stevens, Strange

The general public regards Strange as an ordinary occult scholar, if not a charlatan

Sorcerer Supreme of Earth dimension, occult consultant; formerly physician, neurosurgeon


Place of Birth
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Known Relatives
Eugene Strange (father, deceased), Beverly Strange (mother, deceased), Victor Strange (Khiron, brother, apparently deceased), Donna Strange (sister, deceased), Clea (wife, estranged), Umar (mother-in-law), Orini (father-in-law), Dormammu (uncle-in-law)

Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful sorcerers in existence. Like most sorcerers, he draws his power from three primary sources: the invocation of powerful mystic entities or objects, the manipulation of the universe's ambient magical energy, and his own psychic resources. Strange's magical repertoire includes energy projection and manipulation, matter transformation, animation of inanimate objects, teleportation, illusion-casting, mesmerism, thought projection, astral projection, dimensional travel, time travel and mental possession, to name a few. The full range of his abilities is unknown. Doctor Strange's powers are sometimes less effective against strictly science-based opponents, although he can overcome this limitation with effort.

Doctor Strange is a skilled athlete and martial artist with substantial medical and magical knowledge. Though an expert surgeon, Strange's nerve-damaged hands prevent him from performing surgery except when supplemented by magic.


Doctor Strange wears the Eye of Agamotto, an amulet which can radiate light, pierce illusions, probe minds, open extradimensional portals, and perform other feats. He has a Cloak of Levitation which enables him to fly without expending personal magical energy. He possesses several other mystic artifacts, including the Orb of Agamotto, which he can use to observe events virtually anywhere in the multiverse. He has a library of mystic tomes, some of which, such as the Book of the Vishanti and the Darkhold, can serve as power sources or weapons in their own right.


sounds like none other than the sorcerer supreme, better known as Doctor Strange.

Marvel Universe

Real Name
Stephen Vincent Strange

Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts, Stephen Sanders, Captain Universe, Vincent Stevens, Strange

The general public regards Strange as an ordinary occult scholar, if not a charlatan

Sorcerer Supreme of Earth dimension, occult consultant; formerly physician, neurosurgeon


Place of Birth
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Known Relatives
Eugene Strange (father, deceased), Beverly Strange (mother, deceased), Victor Strange (Khiron, brother, apparently deceased), Donna Strange (sister, deceased), Clea (wife, estranged), Umar (mother-in-law), Orini (father-in-law), Dormammu (uncle-in-law)

Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful sorcerers in existence. Like most sorcerers, he draws his power from three primary sources: the invocation of powerful mystic entities or objects, the manipulation of the universe's ambient magical energy, and his own psychic resources. Strange's magical repertoire includes energy projection and manipulation, matter transformation, animation of inanimate objects, teleportation, illusion-casting, mesmerism, thought projection, astral projection, dimensional travel, time travel and mental possession, to name a few. The full range of his abilities is unknown. Doctor Strange's powers are sometimes less effective against strictly science-based opponents, although he can overcome this limitation with effort.

Doctor Strange is a skilled athlete and martial artist with substantial medical and magical knowledge. Though an expert surgeon, Strange's nerve-damaged hands prevent him from performing surgery except when supplemented by magic.


Doctor Strange wears the Eye of Agamotto, an amulet which can radiate light, pierce illusions, probe minds, open extradimensional portals, and perform other feats. He has a Cloak of Levitation which enables him to fly without expending personal magical energy. He possesses several other mystic artifacts, including the Orb of Agamotto, which he can use to observe events virtually anywhere in the multiverse. He has a library of mystic tomes, some of which, such as the Book of the Vishanti and the Darkhold, can serve as power sources or weapons in their own right.
Pickup? You have way too much...............
