Mitt's really bad day


Space Cadet


Well-Known Member
Notice the part where he says it takes up to 5 years or more to turn a company around? But he is busting Obama's chops for not fixing the world's largest economy, which had been CRATERED by the GOP policies, in only 4 years? Seriously?

Romney said on Meet the Press that balancing the budget will not happen until "his 2nd term" and yet again he lacks specifics as to how that will happen. Not that I believe Obama's claim of doing different in his 2nd term or Romney's for that matter but your point is yet valid.


Staff member
I appreciate the honesty and can appreciate the situation in which you find yourself. Now let's go the next step.

If the people who poured in millions of dollars, if not hundreds of millions, to get Obama elected are now pouring in millions, if not hundreds of millions, to get Romney elected, why would you perceive their investment this election cycle is any better than the previous choice? These are alleged to be smart folks, they have a lot of resources and they are capable of knowing things down to the smallest detail so if we explain away 2008' as they got fooled, who's to say they aren't getting fooled again?

If Obama was lacking in specifics in 2008' yet full of sound bite feel good promises with the backing of big money and now Romney appears to be the case, would it be to much to think this is another setup to take the voter for a ride? And looking at the folks who financially backed Obama in 2008' are economically walking tall today while the rest of us walk small, if those same folk are backing Romney would it be to much lacking specifics otherwise to think that 4 years from now that outcomes will be that much different?

I can't argue with any of that. I know you, and I know you advocate giving money to third party candidates, and I respect that. I'd like to think that a 3rd party candidate can be a real contender someday, but there are not enough people like yourself that are ready to pour money into a campaign that would have no chance. Someday, maybe.. Realistically, there are only Obama and Romney. Do I go with the guy who's been in office for almost 4 years and failed at his job, or do I try someone new?

I know in this day and age we all seek instant gratification, but I wasn't expecting all the country's problems to be fixed in one term. But I expected to see a beginning. I was expecting change. So many unkept promises.
I hope the next guy does better, hope is all we have!


Well-Known Member
I can't argue with any of that. I know you, and I know you advocate giving money to third party candidates, and I respect that. I'd like to think that a 3rd party candidate can be a real contender someday, but there are not enough people like yourself that are ready to pour money into a campaign that would have no chance. Someday, maybe.. Realistically, there are only Obama and Romney. Do I go with the guy who's been in office for almost 4 years and failed at his job, or do I try someone new?

I know in this day and age we all seek instant gratification, but I wasn't expecting all the country's problems to be fixed in one term. But I expected to see a beginning. I was expecting change. So many unkept promises.
I hope the next guy does better, hope is all we have!

Understand but let me poise this question. What if the founding fathers had looked at the odds like you are, where might we be today?

The next question, what do you do in 2016' if nothing is any better?

Last question, do you believe in unicorns?

If no, please don't tell me you don't because no one has ever presented any evidence!

Been fun, gotta go. Neighborhood is going barhopping tonight since I'm on vacation and because I don't drink, I drive around the drunks. Plus my daughter is in town playing so we'll go embarrass her. And the food and all the sweet ice tea I want is always free!


Sounds great, cant wait until it happens to you. By the way, how is this scenario working out for you in the polls?? Its the same nonsense that FOX SPEWS has been selling all year, and yet, ROMNEY is getting waxed in the polls.



Yeah waxed, rasmussen has them tied...if thats called waxed heaven forbid Romney catch up to him. You must use OBAMAMATH 2+2=22 Thats how they figure up if you qualify for an OBAMAPHONE. ;)


golden ticket member
Romney said on Meet the Press that balancing the budget will not happen until "his 2nd term" and yet again he lacks specifics as to how that will happen. Not that I believe Obama's claim of doing different in his 2nd term or Romney's for that matter but your point is yet valid.
But he will cut the spending to start with.....he will at least do things to help because Obama doesn't have a clue
what to do and I'm tired of him not taking any responsibility. Don't they still preach "accountability" at UPS?


Notice the part where he says it takes up to 5 years or more to turn a company around? But he is busting Obama's chops for not fixing the world's largest economy, which had been CRATERED by the GOP policies, in only 4 years? Seriously?

Did you forget that a company actually sells something to make a profit?


Space Cadet
But he will cut the spending to start with.....he will at least do things to help because Obama doesn't have a clue
what to do and I'm tired of him not taking any responsibility. Don't they still preach "accountability" at UPS?

The deficit is not the be-all and end-all of the issues in front of us this election cycle. MOST of the deficit right now was caused by the Bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, the unfunded Medicare Part D giveaway to Big Pharma and the recession.

I am afraid of what would happen with a Romney win, because that would probably also mean the GOP takes both houses of Congress. To see what that would mean, just look at any of the states where the GOP took over totally in the 2010 elections. The war on women is real. The war on workers is real. Millionaires would get tax breaks, and the middle and working class would get even more screwed.

Is Obama and the Democratic Party perfect? No. They are a darn sight better than the alternative.


Space Cadet
Did you forget that a company actually sells something to make a profit?

Yeah, unless a vulture capital firm takes it over by using that company's own assets to borrow against, creating a ton of dept. Then, selling those assets and taking out tons of dividends and 'management fees'. Then, looting the pension fund by using accounting tricks to claim it is 'overfunded'. Then, selling the company in an IPO and making more management fees, leaving the rotting corpse to be picked over in bankruptcy court, while the workers get kicked to the curb, and their pensions, AT BEST, get paid at pennies on the dollar by the Federal Pension Benefit Guaranty corp., which means, us the taxpayers.

Yep, that's the Bain Capital way all right.

That's not capitalism, that's cannibalism.


I know they've said they have a plan but what specifically do you see as the means to which they will achieve success? What specific changes in gov't do you see that will as they say, stop the bleeding?

As for "Mitt's Plan" I have seen and read it. Mitt in his plan sez the following:

I'd agree with spending at the historical average is good because at the same time economist Paul Craig Roberts and father of what is called Reaganomics has shown that when both spending and taxing is around the historic GDP average, the economy does very well. So Romney is smart to target that part of the equation. And as noted in item 2 above, this concurs with Roberts' study on the subject. Now he notes this requires spending cuts of $500 billion per year so let's consider his spending cut proposals.

Here's the specifics:

Repeal ObamaCare $95 billion saved
Privatize AmTrak $1.6 billion saved
Reduce Subsidies to NEA, NEH, CPB, LSC $600 million saved
Eliminate Family Planning $300 million saved
Reduce Foreign Aid $100 million saved
Empower States to Innovate $100 billion saved
Reduce Waste and Fraud $60 billion saved
Align Federal Employee Pay with Private Sector $47 billion saved
Repeal Davis Bacon Act $11 billion saved
Reduce the Federal Workforce by 10% $4 billion saved

Total Savings $320 billion

Mitt's plan is already $180 billion short of target on the spending side but more important how will all this just get us to a zero deficit budget? Or is this nothing more than another exercise in that all Romney is telling the American public is that "I realize you've driven over a cliff and are plunging at an ever greater speed to the bottom but I'll get you an umbrella!" Ah look, the nice man is here to help!

So again, what in Romney's plan is going to get us too an economic budget that balances with no deficit and requires no further borrowing to fund gov't operations? Looking forward to hearing your specific reply on this matter.

As for Obama's budget, I never posed that question. We are talking about Romney. If I have questions about Obama's budget, I will ask an Obama supporter so let's stay on point and consider Romney instead. Appreciate the help on this matter.

Im not sure where you got your figures from, but I noticed the figures for Obamacare is 160 billion. Also big reforms to Medicare and Social Security which no specifics would be known because congress would have their hands on that too. Also you have to factor in the 12 million jobs he is going to create...more people paying in and a higher GDP. With a higher GDP that % gets pretty close to your num.


Yeah, unless a vulture capital firm takes it over by using that company's own assets to borrow against, creating a ton of dept. Then, selling those assets and taking out tons of dividends and 'management fees'. Then, looting the pension fund by using accounting tricks to claim it is 'overfunded'. Then, selling the company in an IPO and making more management fees, leaving the rotting corpse to be picked over in bankruptcy court, while the workers get kicked to the curb, and their pensions, AT BEST, get paid at pennies on the dollar by the Federal Pension Benefit Guaranty corp., which means, us the taxpayers.

Yep, that's the Bain Capital way all right.

That's not capitalism, that's cannibalism.

If you take everything and have tons of debt...who is gonna invest in an IPO?


golden ticket member
The deficit is not the be-all and end-all of the issues in front of us this election cycle. MOST of the deficit right now was caused by the Bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, the unfunded Medicare Part D giveaway to Big Pharma and the recession.

I am afraid of what would happen with a Romney win, because that would probably also mean the GOP takes both houses of Congress. To see what that would mean, just look at any of the states where the GOP took over totally in the 2010 elections. The war on women is real. The war on workers is real. Millionaires would get tax breaks, and the middle and working class would get even more screwed.

Is Obama and the Democratic Party perfect? No. They are a darn sight better than the alternative.
Ask Ohio about their unemployment and it fell below the national 8.1%

God forbid we get people working again!!
War on women is a myth..................he makes people think that all women do is sit around talking about their reproductive health.....wrong!!
Sandra Fluke is a a fluke!!
Women care about jobs. Yhey care about all te debt that the children will be stuck with, etc.


The deficit is not the be-all and end-all of the issues in front of us this election cycle. MOST of the deficit right now was caused by the Bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, the unfunded Medicare Part D giveaway to Big Pharma and the recession.

I am afraid of what would happen with a Romney win, because that would probably also mean the GOP takes both houses of Congress. To see what that would mean, just look at any of the states where the GOP took over totally in the 2010 elections. The war on women is real. The war on workers is real. Millionaires would get tax breaks, and the middle and working class would get even more screwed.

Is Obama and the Democratic Party perfect? No. They are a darn sight better than the alternative.

Obama added to the deficit a trillion more than Bush did in 3years to Bush's 8...and who said Bush was a good president? The housing problem started under Clinton, Bush continued it and bust. Now Obama is creating another bubble buying up all these bonds to try and make it look like the economy is doing better just to win an election. I dont care who is president in 2015 but look for it to bust around then and if it does, you think this recession is bad you aint seen nothing yet. Obama and Bernanke should be arrested for doing what they are doing in the bond market right now.


Just remember when Bush's tax cuts are gone...everyone's taxes get raised! You want higher capital gains and dividends tax? Go tell your parents or grandparents why you think it is necessary to raise their taxes on their retirements. Now thats throwing grandma off the cliff! And when they are worrying about what they are going to do with higher energy cost, higher food cost, and LESS money...dont forget to tell them sorry for your generation screwing them!


Ask Ohio about their unemployment and it fell below the national 8.1%

God forbid we get people working again!!
War on women is a myth..................he makes people think that all women do is sit around talking about their reproductive health.....wrong!!
Sandra Fluke is a a fluke!!
Women care about jobs. Yhey care about all te debt that the children will be stuck with, etc.

Sandra Fluke...hahahaha who the hell gets pissed off because someone wont pay for their birth control...she wants to get all the sex and fit us with the bill. And that sounds like we are the ones getting screwed!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Im not sure where you got your figures from, but I noticed the figures for Obamacare is 160 billion. Also big reforms to Medicare and Social Security which no specifics would be known because congress would have their hands on that too. Also you have to factor in the 12 million jobs he is going to create...more people paying in and a higher GDP. With a higher GDP that % gets pretty close to your num.

Would you kindly do us a favor and explain how the 12 million jobs are going to be created, or are you just keeping your fingers crossed that it will happen by some magic?

So far, even ROMNEY cant tell us how they are going to be created, so I imagine you have some insight that "HE" doesnt.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sandra Fluke...hahahaha who the hell gets pissed off because someone wont pay for their birth control...she wants to get all the sex and fit us with the bill. And that sounds like we are the ones getting screwed!

Poor thing, looks and sounds like you have a case of RUSH-ITIS... Better get to the logic store and pick up a prescription of do your own thinking.




Staff member
Just remember when Bush's tax cuts are gone...everyone's taxes get raised! You want higher capital gains and dividends tax? Go tell your parents or grandparents why you think it is necessary to raise their taxes on their retirements. Now thats throwing grandma off the cliff! And when they are worrying about what they are going to do with higher energy cost, higher food cost, and LESS money...dont forget to tell them sorry for your generation screwing them!
Actually, yes, I want everybody's taxes to go up. I think they go up 3.5% and with some level of fiscal restraint, we cut the deficit in abou 8 to 10 years. Why is it necessary to raise their taxes? Because the tax cuts were always designed to be temporary and we failed to live within our means.


Well-Known Member
Actually, yes, I want everybody's taxes to go up. I think they go up 3.5% and with some level of fiscal restraint, we cut the deficit in abou 8 to 10 years. Why is it necessary to raise their taxes? Because the tax cuts were always designed to be temporary and we failed to live within our means.

I agree "we failed to live within our means."
I also agree "with some level of fiscal restraint"

Now if we can find a consensus, no matter who is elected this cycle, we will have hope.

The word "consensus" is the major challenge.