Olympics To Discriminate Against Woman. Dude Weightlifter To Compete As Gal!


Well-Known Member
Ten guys at my hub are stronger than people who will get gold medals in weightlifting.

A woman's gold medal is like being world champs in the minor leagues.


Well-Known Member
Why would you create an entire division for inferior athletes (aka women)?

Why should the world's 50,000th strongest person be getting a gold medal in weightlifting?

Ten guys at my hub are stronger than people who will get gold medals in weightlifting.

A woman's gold medal is like being world champs in the minor leagues.
It's about women competing against women, not whether they are comparable to men. You're essentially saying women training for sports is ludicrous because their achievements don't mean anything. That's as stupid, sorry but it is, as recent remarks by some WNBA players saying it's not fair that they don't get paid as much as NBA players because they're just as good. Plenty of stupidity to go around. Women should be encouraged to be in good health and athletic role models are a great start. Besides, without sports lesbians would be lost.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What tops which?

-Tranny athlete (male dna) wants to compete against the gals.

-Black man resists arrest, killed while resisting by a caucasian police officer(s)

Urban Black police officer killed by black who was recently released after serving a short sentence for murder.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
The women asked for this crap with all their equal rights stuff. You just knew it would come back to haunt them. You can't have it both ways. They are really going to cry when there is another Military Draft someday (it will happen) and they are put in the trenches against their will. Yes I know there are plenty of brave women now in the Military but there is a BIG difference between volunteering and getting drug out of your comfortable house to be forced to serve.
One can't simulataneously believe that men and women are equal but that trannies aren't actual women.

Poop Head

Judge me.
You do realize that the hub disproprtionately attracts young, male athletes, right? We're full of football players, a few amateur bodybuilders, and 300lb farmer boys who spent too much time at the Aloha Snackbar.
This isnt even the record anymore
The guy weighs 170lbs and just lifted 450lbs over his head.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It takes a trans for Americans to learn that women are the weaker sex and not equal or the same as men.
Good Lord, we're in bad shape.


nowhere special


Retired 22 years
But its ok for girls to join the Boy Scouts. What a country we live in. All this womens lib crap has come back to haunt them and now they call Foul..