I've heard nothing from our end but that's just me. Others may have. I've asked about and if Overnite and UPS would ever be merged into one operation and so far no one really knows longterm. Everyone seems to think at some point it makes good sense but how and when? Nobody has any answers to that question. To many variables too.
I was told for the time being that both would remain seperate for a variety of reasons and none were the conspiratorial type some would love to suggest. Among hourlies at UPS that type of thing tends to be more sport than anything else.

The main reasons for remaining seperate were the inability to handle large freight items in the UPS facilities and from what I was told you guys can move certain types of HazMat products that we can't and maybe visa versa so from that standpoint nobody wants to do anything that would or could cut into volume already held and moving.
You guys may fly under a different color but you're still part of the family. Welcome aboard!
UPS and UPSF will never be megered into one operation. The two operation are too different to become just one.
Package and Freight are Apples and Oranges, granted we both move things but we move ithem in different volumes, different methods, different pricing, different service levels and different ways.
UPS diversifies itself with the many companies it runs, wether it UPS Airlines, UPS Cartage, UPS Logistics, UPS (parcel) UPS Store, UPS Freight, UPS SupplyChain...etc.
Merging Freight and Parcel will have major impact on the workforce and service will suffer greatly. How many packages can you stuff in a P1000? How about how many packages in a 48 foot trailer?
Don't say it won't happen becuase it will.
Remember those early FedEX Express package cars with the big back doors to load in pallets on the tail? It didn't work, hence FedEx Freight.
How many small packages will suffer service if lost on a big 48 foot trailer or misdilvered on a pallet deilvery.
How many bring backs becasue the truck was too big for the street or parking lot?
How many package jobs lost becuase you can put more on a trailer?
How many service failures before you lose a customer?
How many missed pickups because of a trimmed workforce, truck too big, not enough time to make by closing.
I'm happy for those at Overnite that can probally feel a little more secure with thier future in an otherwise unsecure freight indusrty. UPS purchasing Overnite solidifies thier future and at the same time give UPS more diversity in this growing competive industry.
UPS will fine tune Overnite as Fedex has with the companies formerly know as American Freightways and Viking. AKA FedEx Freight.
They continue to operte indepently as a sepersate company and are very good at what they do. Overnite/UPSF can do they same and become just as good if not better under the guidance of Big Brown.
UPSF will be left as it is and produce fine for Father Brown just the way it is.
Take it from experience, I've been in both worlds, package and freight are two different animals. They need seperate pens or they may kill each other if left together.