Yes that is true. Driver involvement is imperative.
My diary of PAS: (go to next topic if you get bored with long stories)
Our PAS team promised we would meet with them to go over our routes when they were re-looped. Behind schedule, they gave up, and didn't give a s&^t about including us-just rushed to get it online. All of "us drivers" asked numerous times how our routes would change, and gave up. I showed up the day I went "live" on PAS, and had 150 business stops, along with 50 resi stops. I missed a few businesses. Things were a mess in our center. Center manager, along with onroad sups were fired.
Just in time for peak, we got a new management team. They did their best to deal with peak, which they did.
Fast forward to today. Yes, things are not as good as they could be. The managers were left with one hell of a mess. We are gradually fixing the problems, and the managers are willing to listen to our suggestions.
As mentioned, driver involvement is imperative.