If you're privy to a televison or the web, which you are because you're here, you'd know that there was recently a lot of controversy regarding the splendors of saying
"Merry Christmas" in public as not to offend anyone.
In fact many stores and other businesses refrained from just that as an act of performing their political correct goodwill I suppose.
"But the "keep the Christ in Christmas" contingent is particularly agitated this year over what its members see as a troubling trend on Main Street: Target stores banning Salvation Army bell ringers;
UPS drivers complaining to a free-speech group that they have been told not to wish people a "Merry Christmas" (an accusation UPS denies as "silly on its face and just not true"); and major corporations barring religious music from cubicles and renaming the office Christmas bash the "end of the year" party."
The above paragraph is a quote from this article:
'Merry Christmas' - Or No Sale
In the meantime kids in school may not get to know what a travesty the holocaust was because it might offend some Muslim children in the same classroom.
Oh yeah, how about all those illegal's coming across the border??
Whoops, that's another thread!