President Obama!


you didn't do the homework before you responded. the posting is one small grouping of his overall picture that included an armed robbery conviction which I highlighted in bold and you ignored. Also theft and embezzlement type convictions which you also ignored.

are you now advocating no jail terms for armed robbery convictions and theft charges?
@tieguy, I just picked one example, the armed robbery.

Willie Shaw, Jr. District of South Carolina (Aug. 7, 1974) Fifteen years' imprisonment Armed bank robbery

It is now 2016. I know you aren't that good with numbers, but even you must admit that his 15 years was up a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
@tieguy, I just picked one example, the armed robbery.

Willie Shaw, Jr. District of South Carolina (Aug. 7, 1974) Fifteen years' imprisonment Armed bank robbery

It is now 2016. I know you aren't that good with numbers, but even you must admit that his 15 years was up a long time ago.

@sallythestalker same question to you if you can take time from your stalking and attempts at intimidation


Strength through joy
All these known felons are being released along with an influx of refugees who have no marketable skills and the borders are still wide open at the same time Obama is cracking down of legal gun owners.
He said he wanted to radically change the USA and is achieving his goal.


Strength through joy
That depends on the circumstances of the crime and what that person is doing after imprisonment to contribute to society.
As some have said many of the newly released are addicts themselves.
If I was getting out early , I'd want to celebrate it. I'll just do it this time only and quit for good right after.

Now who has the list of those that have been released and got caught again ?


Well-Known Member
That depends on the circumstances of the crime and what that person is doing after imprisonment to contribute to society.


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Well-Known Member
What did Obama think these released criminals were going to do once they are on the streets? Work at McD's?

There's more money in selling drugs than working at a fast food joint.

Smart move Barry.


Well-Known Member
ITT only has themselves to blame. A very poor run institution.
Ruling by Department of Education could shut down ITT Tech
In 2015, the government restricted federal money to ITT Tech after it could not account for millions of dollars it lost.

The US Department of Education is requiring the school to boost its cash reserves to cover potential damages to taxpayers and students.

They are also ending the school’s installment payment plan for the amount previously required.

This ruling from the department, that could potentially put the college chain out of business, comes in the middle of a crackdown on for-profit colleges.

According to a blog post by the Department of Education, “ITT Educational Services, Inc. (ITT) has increasingly been the subject of state and federal investigations and this year it has twice been found out of compliance with its accreditor’s standards. Over time, ITT’s decisions have put its students and millions of dollars in taxpayer funded federal student aid at risk.”


Well-Known Member
ITT always seemed like kind of a scam.

If you read the fine print in their commercials you would see that most of their credits do not transfer to a conventional 4 year college or university.


Strength through joy
Barack Obama Officially a Parasite: Scientists Name Worm After President - Breitbart

Obama has a new honor to brag about. Scientists have named a parasite after him – and there’s no worming out of it.
Meet Baracktrema obamai, a tiny parasitic flatworm that lives in turtles’ blood. A new study officially names the two-inch-long, hair-thin creature after Obama.

Thomas Platt, the newly retired biology professor at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana who chose the name, says it’s an honor, not an insult. Really.

Platt, who discovered and named the flatworm to crown his career before retiring, has 32 new species to his credit. In the past, he’s named them after his father-in-law, his doctorate adviser “and other people I have a great deal of respect for. This is clearly something in my small way done to honor our president,” Platt says.

A distant relative of the president, Platt says people pay thousands of dollars for the privilege of having a species named after them.

Parasites get a bad rap. Platt says this one reminds him of the president: “It’s long. It’s thin. And it’s cool as hell.”


golden ticket member
Obama has said that N. Korea faces severe consequences for it's nuke test..........what? He's gonna write them a warning letter in red?