Prime Minister's gifts


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes2:No wonder the Dem. mascot is a jackass.
Awww poor wittle left wing, tree hugging, illegal immigrant lovin, tax and spend liberal seems to have HIS feewings hurt.
Have you hugged a Frenchman today?
Oh my! Was I too harsh? Maybe I should try to pacify you a little. Nahhh. Wouldn't want to seem too much like a whimpy lefty.

The whole point was that there was NO thought put into what he gave the PM. It is embarrassing that ANY president would basically insult any foreign dignitary that way. I don't give a crap what color he is. You seem to have a hang up with his color while I don't hear the righties EVER bring it up. Give up the race card, ya Al Sharpton wanna be.

There, there .....feel all better now lil Chevy. Got your li'l emotional rant out of your system. Please.... get a tissue or that Ronald McReagan hanky out of your back pocket, wipe your tears and give us all, a big "Whoosaaaa"....Got an idea Chevy, since your so concern about gift giving, take a trip to the mall, go to the Hallmark Store, and pick out a little trinket, say like a.... Precious Moment statue, and send it to England in care of the PM, and give him a lil love note and tell him were sorry.

Can't imagine the tantrums you threw as a lil boy towards the poor kids who gave you a bad gift at your :happybday B'Day parties :madashell:
BTW...Tieguy called....He wants his blue ink back!


There, there .....feel all better now lil Chevy. Got your li'l emotional rant out of your system. Please.... get a tissue or that Ronald McReagan hanky out of your back pocket, wipe your tears and give us all, a big "Whoosaaaa"....Got an idea Chevy, since your so concern about gift giving, take a trip to the mall, go to the Hallmark Store, and pick out a little trinket, say like a.... Precious Moment statue, and send it to England in care of the PM, and give him a lil love note and tell him were sorry.
Can't imagine the tantrums you threw as a lil boy towards the poor kids who gave you a bad gift at your :happybday B'Day parties :madashell:
BTW...Tieguy called....He wants his
blue ink back!
Aww, blow it out your arse ya friggin hemorrhoid. :happy-very: Go bow down to your precious god.

That old gag about the 80's calling and Tye are really getting old. :slap:I remember that being used when I WAS a kid. Wow, how lame you really are. :rolleyes2:
Darn, now I'm sounding like Howard Dean. :wink2:
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Well-Known Member
I just hope that President Hopey Changey, who wants to cut the military budget by 25% and fund the fight against Israel (the last remnant of the Western world left standing in the Middle East. Shameful) by donating $900 million to the Hamas in Gaza (and remember it was the Hamas who danced in the streets when the towers went down,) this same guy who wants to take my paycheck to pay for somebody else’s mortgage, will refrain from handing out another McDonald coupon while his guests present him with plasma TV’s.

BTW, does ACORN have a satellite office in Gaza?

And tho I would love to attend the Brown Café cruise, I'm saving up for this one instead as there'll soon be no escaping it……



Well-Known Member
Aww, blow it out your arse ya friggin hemorrhoid. :happy-very: Go bow down to your precious god.

That old gag about the 80's calling and Tye are really getting old. :slap:I remember that being used when I WAS a kid. Wow, how lame you really are. :rolleyes2:
Darn, now I'm sounding like Howard Dean. :wink2:

Tieguy, are you going to stand for this ? Chevy is stealing your blue thunder....only hearing a pin drop is louder than Chevy's thunder.
You know, Tie, people read Chevy's emotional blue posts and they might think it's you without double checking the Avatar.....


Tieguy, are you going to stand for this ? Chevy is stealing your blue thunder....only hearing a pin drop is louder than Chevy's thunder.
You know, Tie, people read Chevy's emotional blue posts and they might think it's you without double checking the Avatar.....
:sleeping2::sleeping2: Wow, a real hum dinger there. I'm so insulted.
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:sleeping2::sleeping2: Wow, a real hum dinger there. I'm so insulted.

thats too funny. I think Obama has some good blackmail material on diesel the way he is blindly supporting the great O.

soon we'll see parades of liberals goose stepping down pennsylvania avenue in support of thier great messiah.
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Well-Known Member
To the head of cert. to IHOP.

Love those Swedish Pancakes !!

Got me there...I was thinking that Sweden would get gift certificates to IKEA,
The delegate from Siberia would get a new freezer,
and the French president would receive a French/English dictionary.


golden ticket member
Too bad that Michelle's middle name is LeVaughn. If her middle name was something like Ophelia, then she'd be M.O.O. !!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Aww, blow it out your arse ya friggin hemorrhoid. :happy-very: Go bow down to your precious god.

That old gag about the 80's calling and Tye are really getting old. :slap:I remember that being used when I WAS a kid. Wow, how lame you really are. :rolleyes2:
Darn, now I'm sounding like Howard Dean. :wink2:

:sleeping2::sleeping2: Wow, a real hum dinger there. I'm so insulted.

Speaking of being a kid, your immaturity level is showing your true colors when your getting spank in a debate.
All because you got called out on pitching a little hissy fit over a presidential gift. You've got no defense except High School level insults, no surprise from a typical angry sore loser conservative like the little bi+ch that you are.
Maybe when you get your head out of Rush Limbaugh's oxycotin butt and his types that you choose to worship and stop french kissing their rectum, the crap coming out of your mouth and ears might loosen up and maybe you might be able to write complete sentences again.

thats too funny. I think Obama has some good blackmail material on diesel the way he is blindly supporting the great O.

soon we'll see parades of liberals goose stepping down pennsylvania avenue in support of thier great messiah.

Tie, it's only a pipe-dream of a Republican leader stepping up and taking charge of your loser party this day and age. Be afraid Tieguy, be very afraid that Obama succeeds....what will you do then? Go on a shooting rampage ? Jump in front of a Feeder truck on I-95....

Obama, has given me, the best gift an American can ask for......A republican on the sidelines looking in.
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golden ticket member
"Obama, has given me, the best gift an American can ask for......A republican on the sidelines looking in. "

....with an NRA membership !!


Well-Known Member
"Obama, has given me, the best gift an American can ask for......A republican on the sidelines looking in. "

....with an NRA membership !!

You might want to look over your shoulder for the Secret Service with that comment...
BTW....One doesn't need to be a Rep or a member of the NRA to enjoy their guns responsibly...thats just a myth conjured up by the right to scare people for votes and support.

Unfortunately, that is the only thing he has given you...

Truthfully, Ron Paul (even though I have philisophical differences with him domestically) would have been a gift keeping a Neo-Con type from residing in the White House.


Well-Known Member
You might want to look over your shoulder for the Secret Service with that comment...
BTW....One doesn't need to be a Rep or a member of the NRA to enjoy their guns responsibly...thats just a myth conjured up by the right to scare people for votes and support.

Truthfully, Ron Paul (even though I have philisophical differences with him domestically) would have been a gift keeping a Neo-Con type from residing in the White House.

Agreed. My dad and I are avid gun collectors. No members of NRA here. What a worthless association.


Staff member
And today......He gives the Queen an Ipod.....what 80 year old lady wants an Ipod? Granted they did make a video of her trip to Washington and Virginia last fall, good effort there....but an IPOD?
You're not giving the Queen enough credit (She's 82, for starters). According to the Telegraph, she has a Wii and a 6Gb mini (clearly in need of an upgrade..).
Personally, the only thing I find more off putting than all this fetishized gift giving among the wealthy and powerful is the endless fascination that it apparently holds for the peasant class. That being us. It just seems a little too much like bread and circuses.