Rules of getting written up


Well-Known Member
I doubt it. I was pretty rude to Cheryl in messages.

It is my opinion that favoritism plays a large role in who gets q and who doesn't. I say some :censored2:y stuff for sure but I know some users who don't fall too far behind my example

Your issue is you don't know how to say :censored2:ty stuff in a clever way. Unlike the ones that attack you.


Resident Suit
Think your archrival @FrigidFTSup might close in on your :censored2:ty stuff lead if he tried to get naked on us too?

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
couple months ago i had to spend three days in a emergency room/hospital and called in once on tuesday and texted once on friday saying i was home but needed to rest. showed up moday to handshakes and hugs. whats a write up?


I've had an issue related to my health that has caused me miss work the last 2 days and I want to avoid the write up I'm sure they have waiting for me.

Does a docs note grant me immunity? What if I have to go to the ER?
when in doubt get a note. it really depends on who your center manager is. just ask the doctor for a note stating that you were seen by him today... you don't need a note excusing you from work just one to say that you were seen by him