Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election


Strength through joy
give me a break with that "greatest generation" stuff.

some of the more enlightened ones screamed at the sky during the vietnam war, or during the civil rights.

if enough people were screaming at trump to quit, he would. thats how power works.

the fact that america got so bad is because not enough people were screaming.
they will really need to scream loudly because his in Asia

What The Hawk?

What kind of idiotic fool screams at the sky?
How freakin butthurt can one get?
Oh this is just the tip of the craziness iceberg. Look up the video of liberal students at UC Berkeley (shocking) demanding to take their exams at home..and then telling white students taking the exam to shut up.


I'm a star
The single greatest threat to this country has been the Supreme Court's recognition of corporate personhood. Corporations can't go to prison, and any fines they receive get passed on to customers and employees. So there is no way to punish corporate criminal action. Yet they have rights (such as free speech) that they try to suppress in their own employees. Then corporations use their excessive profits to buy politicians to ensure their continued ability to make excessive profits at the expense of their employees and customers.


IE boogeyman
The single greatest threat to this country has been the Supreme Court's recognition of corporate personhood. Corporations can't go to prison, and any fines they receive get passed on to customers and employees. So there is no way to punish corporate criminal action. Yet they have rights (such as free speech) that they try to suppress in their own employees. Then corporations use their excessive profits to buy politicians to ensure their continued ability to make excessive profits at the expense of their employees and customers.
most underrated truth of American society