Listening to transportation analysists painting their usual rosy picture following the release of Q2 results a person can't help but laugh especially at the comments made by Donald Broughton who said that FDX will make $30 a share in 3 years and $50 in 5 years.
What none of them seem to realize is what you've got is a bunch of Ground contractors working under what has become one of it not the most unjust contract ever devised loaded with unfunded mandates supported by mountains of at risk borrowed money all at a time when the cheap labor needed to run the routes is getting harder to come by if not impossible to come by all as returns have all but disappeared .
And on top of all of this they are now going to be literally carrying the entire company around on their backs trying to make a business model perform tasks it was never designed for along with zero rights, recourse or due process of law.
So sane person would ever sign their name to the contract based on today's terms and the demands currently placed upon them.
What none of them seem to realize is what you've got is a bunch of Ground contractors working under what has become one of it not the most unjust contract ever devised loaded with unfunded mandates supported by mountains of at risk borrowed money all at a time when the cheap labor needed to run the routes is getting harder to come by if not impossible to come by all as returns have all but disappeared .
And on top of all of this they are now going to be literally carrying the entire company around on their backs trying to make a business model perform tasks it was never designed for along with zero rights, recourse or due process of law.
So sane person would ever sign their name to the contract based on today's terms and the demands currently placed upon them.