Serious injures at UPS


Well-Known Member
No matter what side of the fence you’re on , union or management this is just a sad story. A full time supervisor in my building that’s around 40 years old had a stroke and went into a coma. He is a nice kid. Pretty new so management didn’t have the opportunity to corrupt him yet. I’m not blaming UPS by any means. I’m sure there were other issues going on. However the tremendous amount of stress and the physical and mental wear and tear on all our bodies for both management and union is not good for our health. Working during that heat wave was especially bad. A fellow union worker of mine brought in a temperature gauge and it was over 115 degrees in the Nassau smalls sort. And we all have had UPS bosses that will work you till you die , not goto your funeral and then after you die replace you with one of their buddies. Like one of the full time supervisors in my building. They say he runs the smalls sort and is some kind of acting manager. He doesn’t touch a package and hides in offices most of the nights. That’s when he’s actually at work. He takes more time off then anyone that I can recall. But expects everyone else to come in when they are sick , have family problems , during a snow storm and during a heat wave. He has these other full time and part time supervisors running around here like chickens without heads making them work like animals and stressing them out like crazy. He embarrasses them on the radio. During the heat wave he was calling them on the phone , the radio and over the loud speakers non stop when the belts shut off. For the first time ever I felt bad for management. It must be a living hell working with that tyrant. In the cafeteria the other day they were already saying how this tyrant supervisor is trying to get one of his favorite part time sups the full time position that the person with the stroke had. No compassion . It’s sad. Just a lesson to be learned. In some cases , not all , if you let these UPS tyrants work you to death they will. And they won’t care when you die. Instead of feeling bad for this kid this tyrant full time supervisor /acting manager is talking about replacing him already. How UPS allows a tyrant like this to operate is beyond me. We can all do better as humans and the job is not worth losing your life or your sanity .


Lunch is the best part of the day

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Instead of feeling bad for this kid this tyrant full time supervisor /acting manager is talking about replacing him already. How UPS allows a tyrant like this to operate is beyond me.

OK? What would you do?

Let’s say this is your company. It’s sad, but someone is seriously ill or dies. Are you not going to replace this person?

Or are you going to force all the other employees to pick up the pace and cover his job?

It’s a business with 450,000 employees. It’s not a mom and pop where the owners know all their employees. You’re just a number to your Sup.

It is what it is. It’s like this for all big conglomerates. Even for most of the smaller ones also.

Once you realize this, your tenure at the Big Brown will be less stressful.


Active Member
Were all wage slaves at ups. Union and mngmt. You dont think mngmt is stressed? Bosses on there ass, work a ton of hours, their wives * the pool boy. Doesnt matter how much money you make when your wage slaving and have no free time.
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Were all wage slaves at ups. Union and mngmt. You dont think mngmt is stressed? Bosses on there ass, work a ton of hours, their wives * the pool boy. Doesnt matter how much money you make when your wage slaving and have no free time.
Nobody's a slave.


Happy Verified UPSer
Sometimes you just have to let things out ,,,out of frustration.

We had several supes go out on stress leave. They went out in turns. Then we had an on road have a heart attack and die at around age 45 or so. He had a kid in high school. That was sad.

We had one driver mix up a pain killer with something else after a trip to the dentist and died. We had a feeder driver kill himself by gun.....problems with his father.

sad but life has to go on. the brotherhood is not as strong as it used to be. I started at UPS in 1993 and the ol timers back then told me that managers and drivers would BBQ together with their families or drink beers together at the corner watering hole.

those days were long gone back in 93. they were probably talking about the 70's and maybe early 80's.

maybe @rod would know. he;s the senior geezer here.


Retired 23 years
Sometimes you just have to let things out ,,,out of frustration.

We had several supes go out on stress leave. They went out in turns. Then we had an on road have a heart attack and die at around age 45 or so. He had a kid in high school. That was sad.

We had one driver mix up a pain killer with something else after a trip to the dentist and died. We had a feeder driver kill himself by gun.....problems with his father.

sad but life has to go on. the brotherhood is not as strong as it used to be. I started at UPS in 1993 and the ol timers back then told me that managers and drivers would BBQ together with their families or drink beers together at the corner watering hole.

those days were long gone back in 93. they were probably talking about the 70's and maybe early 80's.

maybe @rod would know. he;s the senior geezer here.
We were never that friendly to do barbecues with management. Mostly we went our separate ways but occasionally we would end up at the same saloon.---which on 2 occasions ended up in fights between managers and hourlies.


Well-Known Member
Management does not care about your health or safety. If you get hurt they will try to threaten you to file it under disability and not workers comp. They will accuse you of lying about being hurt.


Binge Poster
No matter what side of the fence you’re on , union or management this is just a sad story. A full time supervisor in my building that’s around 40 years old had a stroke and went into a coma. He is a nice kid. Pretty new so management didn’t have the opportunity to corrupt him yet. I’m not blaming UPS by any means. I’m sure there were other issues going on. However the tremendous amount of stress and the physical and mental wear and tear on all our bodies for both management and union is not good for our health. Working during that heat wave was especially bad. A fellow union worker of mine brought in a temperature gauge and it was over 115 degrees in the Nassau smalls sort. And we all have had UPS bosses that will work you till you die , not goto your funeral and then after you die replace you with one of their buddies. Like one of the full time supervisors in my building. They say he runs the smalls sort and is some kind of acting manager. He doesn’t touch a package and hides in offices most of the nights. That’s when he’s actually at work. He takes more time off then anyone that I can recall. But expects everyone else to come in when they are sick , have family problems , during a snow storm and during a heat wave. He has these other full time and part time supervisors running around here like chickens without heads making them work like animals and stressing them out like crazy. He embarrasses them on the radio. During the heat wave he was calling them on the phone , the radio and over the loud speakers non stop when the belts shut off. For the first time ever I felt bad for management. It must be a living hell working with that tyrant. In the cafeteria the other day they were already saying how this tyrant supervisor is trying to get one of his favorite part time sups the full time position that the person with the stroke had. No compassion . It’s sad. Just a lesson to be learned. In some cases , not all , if you let these UPS tyrants work you to death they will. And they won’t care when you die. Instead of feeling bad for this kid this tyrant full time supervisor /acting manager is talking about replacing him already. How UPS allows a tyrant like this to operate is beyond me. We can all do better as humans and the job is not worth losing your life or your sanity .

Are you suggesting this was possibly heat stroke?


Well-Known Member
I started at UPS in 1993 and the ol timers back then told me that managers and drivers would BBQ together with their families or drink beers together at the corner watering hole
We had more than a few BBQ evenings at the center. Late eighties early nineties definitely was a different time. Definitely strict on the clock but we were still able to be civil off the clock.


We had more than a few BBQ evenings at the center. Late eighties early nineties definitely was a different time. Definitely strict on the clock but we were still able to be civil off the clock.
In over 30 years never ate one of their Bar S hotdogs cheapest hot dogs on the planet and they act like you should be thankful
Told the boss one time I’d rather go home and eat with my wife and family than endure the uncomfortable silence in the break room


Well-Known Member
In over 30 years never ate one of their Bar S hotdogs cheapest hot dogs on the planet and they act like you should be thankful
Told the boss one time I’d rather go home and eat with my wife and family than endure the uncomfortable silence in the break room
Appreciate the response. Our grill was in the open area in the side yard away from the trailers. We only had the better quality food at our BBQ. (No one would stay otherwise). And we kept a quality cooler most shared from.
Even though we have fewer cookouts now pizza nights get a reasonable turnout. Our center has its problems and a bunch of tools but we still have to be civil. I must be in a unique building, some of stuff I m reading on BC sounds awe full


Well-Known Member
Both times hourly won. Cops were only called once. That was at a Safe Driving Party when some idiot Safety guy from Minneapolis made a pass at a drivers wife. A real knock down drag out --Tables and chairs were thrown . One of the highlights of my career.
Wow. That sounds like a safety meeting with a newbie and the guy who didn’t make his thirty days. Newbie telling us how great he is and the guy blaming him for taking his job. Bring in the circus clowns and a few midgets then you have a party. (Sorry about that but I had to get back on topic).