Tattoo Policy


Well-Known Member
the policy book says no visible tats..
but it is a flavor of the month here right now so its cover them,next month it will be something else.


Box Monkey
They don't really do anything about the older guys who may have gotten tatoos while they were in Vietnam or the service in general. Now if you were to go out today and get sleeves or bands on then they would have to be covered up.


Not at our ctr. We have more than 1 driver that has visible tats and nothing is said. Of course we have more than 1 driver that wears non approved baseball caps and nothing is said abiot that, either. Of course we have male drivers w/ earrings and nothing is said about that either. GETTING THE PICTURE YET?


Why scar yourself on purpose?
I have found them easy enough to get from just working.
I do have two tatoo's,
both were made by a #2 pencil in grade school.
Damn, it hurts to get poked by a sharp pencil.
I can still see the "tatoo's", almost 50yr's later.
both happened by accident.
So, why does one scar themselves on purpose?


It's art Sat. I have 2 and will get more eventually. It is an expression of who I am. Don't rag on me because I like tats. LOL I don't care for the tats that cover the entire body. I think that goes overboard but to each his/her own. I have a peacock and a dragon. The peacock for the colors, I like bright colors and the dragon is my personal protector. It reminds me that I have a right to be who I am.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The resolution to several grievances over UPS's tattoo policy at my building is that tattoos must be covered UNLESS they were visible at the time you were hired. All new hires are informed that getting tattoos that can't be covered up will disqualify them from driving in the future. If you alreadyhad it you can keep it, but you cant get any new ones unless you cover 'em up.


It's art Sat. I have 2 and will get more eventually. It is an expression of who I am. Don't rag on me because I like tats. LOL I don't care for the tats that cover the entire body. I think that goes overboard but to each his/her own. I have a peacock and a dragon. The peacock for the colors, I like bright colors and the dragon is my personal protector. It reminds me that I have a right to be who I am.
I am not ragging you or anyone else.
If you feel good doing it, do it and deal with the long term after effects later.
Call it what you will, it is still self-scarification.
I guess I am just an old poot and think no matter how artfully a tatoo is done, it is nothing more than an outward expression of an internal conflict.
I know I seem disrespectful and that is not my intention, but I am saddened that you need an outward reminder of who you are inside.


Well-Known Member
They're really not all that jumpy about it here. If you have one on your calf or somewhere else that is highly visible they can make you cover it per policy. They usually save this technicality for people they want to be rid of.


I am not ragging you or anyone else.
If you feel good doing it, do it and deal with the long term after effects later.
Call it what you will, it is still self-scarification.
I guess I am just an old poot and think no matter how artfully a tatoo is done, it is nothing more than an outward expression of an internal conflict.
I know I seem disrespectful and that is not my intention, but I am saddened that you need an outward reminder of who you are inside.

Sorry Sat, I didn't need to say 'rag at me'. We all have the right to express ourselves, including you. I had a lousy week at work and am fighting with the comp. over a driver calling me a friend* buddy* to a customer and I was taking my anger out on you.


yea this became a big issue at my building today...all the big shots from the local were there. One of them had the gall to yell at me not to load packages (I wasn't). Are you a supervisor....ARE YOU A SUPERVISOR?!?! DON'T TOUCH THOSE. My hourly told him to go away (imagine that). He wasn't feeling well and asked if I could set up his cages for him until help from the slide arrived. Thats all I was doing not loading, not even advancing packages. I didn't yell back, I pretty much ignored him which angered him more apparently. Oh well

I have no problem listening if you're speaking to me, yelling and disrespecting me, forget it, I've got no time for you, I would have loved to yell back, but our labor manager and division manager were there and they took care of him. What a goon (sorry guys, he was).


Well-Known Member
from what i know the policy is that you can have whatever tatoos you want but the have to be covered while on duty and our center manager strictly inforces this policy to the point of being sent home or being fired!