The Holiday Season


Well-Known Member
This time of year seems jammed packed with holidays starting with Halloween and going full tilt through the New Year's celebrations. Thanks to a political website I frequent and it's blog I found IMO a fascinating article on the History of Thanksgiving from a 1999' issue of the Journal of Social History. Now I'm sure some will see the source and the stereotyping will begin but you are making a huge mistake and I mean huge!

The article is long but it is well worth the time to read and packed full of info about how this time of year and it's holidays have started, maifested and maintained themselves into our day from the late 1700's but the focus is the 1800's and forward. It doesn't challenge in any way or put down what or how we celebrate but rather it tells how it was done in the past and you clearly see how we do things today came into play. Even the origins of football on T-day going back to the late 1800's. And we thought Dallas and Detriot on T-day were recent beginnings. Not at all.

It is truly a fantastic read that I hope everyone here takes the time to read through and I guarantee you'll come away amazed not only at our past but how we got where we are and in some cases why we do things like we do. Hope you enjoy!