Trying to find out about my father's retirement pension


New Member
I went through this when my husband was shot when someone broke into home. It was very frustrating dealing with UPS and all they different ins and outs. I am still trying to get our medical coverage reinstated and it’s been a year. I have contacted Central States, Human Resources, Union hall and etc.... My attorney had to help me get life insurance, accidental death insurance. I had to provide death certificate, marriage certificate, drivers license. Our medical coverage was cut off cause of out- of -network claims which UPS sent him up for and he went on their advisement or he wouldn’t have gone to that facility. Central States says its out of network and persons from UPS says it wasn’t. Filed 1 apparel and nothing. Anyone know how to help get my families coverage back. He worked there over 20 yrs. Back to your situation I’m not sure. Try contacting Central States Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST1-800-323-5000 and this number 1-404- 828-1001 and

Cafe Espresso

New Member
Only spouses are eligible or survivor benefits. You can send an email to [email protected] to reach someone about it.

That is not true. At the time of retirement, the employee can select a "non" spouse, but for a time limit of 10 years. The clock starts at the time of retirement (not death). It is not an ideal selection for most as the beneficiary may never see a dime and the employee received a lower pension payment for nothing.


New Member
Hello. My father passed recently and was a retired supervisor from UPS in Louisville, KY and he had a retirement pension that he received every month. I'm trying to find out who I need to call or what number to find out about if that would roll over to me as I'm the sole heir (only son) of his estate. I'm not sure what number in Louisville to call and would appreciate any help anyone could give me. He didn't leave much other than his retirement pension so that's the main thing I'm trying to find out about. Thanks.
There is no provision for children of retirees, only spouses, and that depends on the option chosen when he retired. Same as social security... nothing passes on to children.
Try calling UPS Pension Dept
800 643 4442
Mgmt Retiree


New Member
That is not true. At the time of retirement, the employee can select a "non" spouse, but for a time limit of 10 years. The clock starts at the time of retirement (not death). It is not an ideal selection for most as the beneficiary may never see a dime and the employee received a lower pension payment for nothing.
I think this is only true if the retiree took the 10-year payment option, that is, you get a larger pension payment for 10 years versus lifetime, but after 10 years your pension ends. So if there is anything remaining (for example, if the retiree passed away after seven years or three years or whatever) the remaining pension amount would probably be available to be claimed by the survivor identified in the pension documents. If that was not set up at the time of retirement, it may be very difficult to claim it.