UPS Acronyms--For Newbies, Old-Timers and Everybody In-between (On Topic)

Captain Qwark

"I don't deserve these bulbous buttocks."
Are you constantly being bombarded with UPS acronyms and not sure what they mean?

Here's just a few:

CIR: Commercial Inside Release

DART: Days Away, Restrict or Transferred

DIAD: Delivery Information Acquisition Device

DOL: Delivery Order Listing (old school!)

DPS: Dispatch Planning System

DVIR: Driver Vehicle Inspection Report

HR: Human Resources

IE: Industrial Engineering

LP: Loss Prevention

OCA: On Call Air

ODS: On-demand Services

ODO: Orion Delivery Order

OJS: On-the-job Supervision

OMS: Operation Management Specialist

PAS: Preload Assist System

PCM: Pre-work Communications Meeting

PVD: Personal Vehicle Delivery

RDO: Route Delivery Order

TAW: Temporary Alternate Work

TLA: Talk, Listen and Act (old school!)

WOR: Weekly Operations Report

If you can think of anything else (that's on topic), please feel free to add. Help us all stay in the know!
Are you constantly being bombarded with UPS acronyms and not sure what they mean?

Here's just a few:

CIR: Commercial Inside Release

DART: Days Away, Restrict or Transferred

DIAD: Delivery Information Acquisition Device

DOL: Delivery Order Listing (old school!)

DPS: Dispatch Planning System

DVIR: Driver Vehicle Inspection Report

HR: Human Resources

IE: Industrial Engineering

LP: Loss Prevention

OCA: On Call Air

ODS: On-demand Services

ODO: Orion Delivery Order

OJS: On-the-job Supervision

OMS: Operation Management Specialist

PAS: Preload Assist System

PCM: Pre-work Communications Meeting

PVD: Personal Vehicle Delivery

RDO: Route Delivery Order

TAW: Temporary Alternate Work

TLA: Talk, Listen and Act (old school!)

WOR: Weekly Operations Report

If you can think of anything else (that's on topic), please feel free to add. Help us all stay in the know!
Advanced label imagining system

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
But seriously, good post. Lotta seasonals looking at the BC boards right now who might be looking to stick around. A lot of us who have been in the business for a long time take information like this for granted. Doesn't mean it's not useful.


Retired 23 years
Every once in awhile if you got stuck with something off your normal route we would put WL 1 on a package. I don't know if management was playing along or just too plain stupid to realize it stood for Won't Locate 1 but I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for using it.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Every once in awhile if you got stuck with something off your normal route we would put WL 1 on a package. I don't know if management was playing along or just too plain stupid to realize it stood for Won't Locate 1 but I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for using it.

You old timers had it so easy.
Every once in awhile if you got stuck with something off your normal route we would put WL 1 on a package. I don't know if management was playing along or just too plain stupid to realize it stood for Won't Locate 1 but I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for using it.
That's considered missed service


My favorite was always MAR

Minimum acceptable requirements

Used to laugh when the boss said we need to talk about your MAR

Ok, whatever