UPS Wrongly fired Driver for Union Activities but stays fired due to Facebook postings


Light 'em up!
Sounds like he was probably perceived as a jerk and a sloth to both UPS and the Teamsters.

He was by UPS, but he was perceived as a threat to his local.

The NLRB actually gave him his job back until he called his division manager a knuckle-dragger and had a few choice words to say about his labor manager on Facebook.

He would be working today if he had not lashed out on social media.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Ok. Lot's of those(A wholes) on BrownCafe and at work and the world....Truth is we have people in

power within our Union that trade careers and livelihoods for their own personal enrichment. Period.

These people need to be fired. From the local steward on up.

Ok. Now for the case.
Sounds like he was probably perceived as a jerk and a sloth to both UPS and the Teamsters.

My how times have changed. In my 40 years, I have been harassed physically(assaulted)(literally),

psychologically and even sexually by men and women....hourly and mgt. Long friend bomb laced

tirades by high level mgt.

IMHO, unless a threat of some kind was made, it is none of the company's business what was said

at home off the clock. And if you don't think upper mgt. was/is saying derogatory things about this

employee, naive doesn't even come close. May not be in writing but it's there. Some of the most

vicious, punitive people I've ever known. And the same is true for the Union. You can see vicious

sexual innuendo, harassment of many kinds and even physical threats(thinly veiled) all because

of a difference of opinion and politics. All of the things that seem to make up this case on all 3



He who is not with us, is against us.
Wow, your argument is well structured with myriad citations and facts to really drive the point home.

If Medicare for All is signed into law, companies with union negotiated health care plans would be required to enter into new contract negotiations overseen by the National Labor Relations Board. Under this plan, all company savings that result from reduced health care contributions from Medicare for All will accrue equitably to workers in the form of increased wages or other benefits.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
He was by UPS, but he was perceived as a threat to his local.

The NLRB actually gave him his job back until he called his division manager a knuckle-dragger and had a few choice words to say about his labor manager on Facebook.

He would be working today if he had not lashed out on social media.

Should be working today.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
My how times have changed. In my 40 years, I have been harassed physically(assaulted)(literally),

psychologically and even sexually by men and women....hourly and mgt. Long friend bomb laced

tirades by high level mgt.

IMHO, unless a threat of some kind was made, it is none of the company's business what was said

at home off the clock. And if you don't think upper mgt. was/is saying derogatory things about this

employee, naive doesn't even come close. May not be in writing but it's there. Some of the most

vicious, punitive people I've ever known. And the same is true for the Union. You can see vicious

sexual innuendo, harassment of many kinds and even physical threats(thinly veiled) all because

of a difference of opinion and politics. All of the things that seem to make up this case on all 3

Thanks Adam Schiff!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Wow, your argument is well structured with myriad citations and facts to really drive the point home.

If Medicare for All is signed into law, companies with union negotiated health care plans would be required to enter into new contract negotiations overseen by the National Labor Relations Board. Under this plan, all company savings that result from reduced health care contributions from Medicare for All will accrue equitably to workers in the form of increased wages or other benefits.



Inordinately Right
Wow, your argument is well structured with myriad citations and facts to really drive the point home.

If Medicare for All is signed into law, companies with union negotiated health care plans would be required to enter into new contract negotiations overseen by the National Labor Relations Board. Under this plan, all company savings that result from reduced health care contributions from Medicare for All will accrue equitably to workers in the form of increased wages or other benefits.
Ya you just called yourself out as a liar. Socialist nonsense.


Phoenix Feeder
Seems kind of whacky (or just convenient?) to blame a National election on RA’s situation knowing that the union threw him under the bus before the NLRB was even involved.
Each administration appoints members to the board for 5 year terms, with one member expiring each year, confirmed by the Senate. McConnell held up Obama's appointments so now with Trumps you have a Board weighted towards Employers with no advocacy for Labor. Couple that with the SCOTUS stacking and a lot of Union members will have a rude awakening coming and the damage will be felt for decades. They sure stuck it to us liberals though.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Each administration appoints members to the board for 5 year terms, with one member expiring each year, confirmed by the Senate. McConnell held up Obama's appointments so now with Trumps you have a Board weighted towards Employers with no advocacy for Labor. Couple that with the SCOTUS stacking and a lot of Union members will have a rude awakening coming and the damage will be felt for decades.
They sure stuck it to us liberals though.
About friend:censored2:king time! :winkiss:

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Each administration appoints members to the board for 5 year terms, with one member expiring each year, confirmed by the Senate. McConnell held up Obama's appointments so now with Trumps you have a Board weighted towards Employers with no advocacy for Labor.
Couple that with the SCOTUS stacking and a lot of Union members will have a rude awakening coming and the damage will be felt for decades. They sure stuck it to us liberals though.
Improper use of the word "stacking" ... maybe the word you were searching for is "packing".
Gorsuch replaced Antonin Scalia who was appointed by Ronald Reagan.
Kavanaugh replaced Antony Kennedy who was appointed by Ronald Reagan.
So much for stacking/packing.
Regardless, packing the SCOTUS was last attempted by FDR with the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 ... he failed.
Recently, many DemWits have opined and discussed packing the SCOTUS while under the influence of the mental disease TDS.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Each administration appoints members to the board for 5 year terms, with one member expiring each year, confirmed by the Senate. McConnell held up Obama's appointments so now with Trumps you have a Board weighted towards Employers with no advocacy for Labor. Couple that with the SCOTUS stacking and a lot of Union members will have a rude awakening coming and the damage will be felt for decades. They sure stuck it to us liberals though.
You missed my point entirety. So, I’ll simplify. None of that matters when the the union (that’s supposed to be pro worker, not “stacked” political appointees, and chosen by said workers) fails to do its part.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
If Medicare for All is signed into law, companies with union negotiated health care plans would be required to enter into new contract negotiations overseen by the National Labor Relations Board. Under this plan, all company savings that result from reduced health care contributions from Medicare for All will accrue equitably to workers in the form of increased wages or other benefits.
Nice made up story.
The healthcare costs will have to be paid by the employees' companies and it will cost those companies more than before.
The result is that the employees wages and benefits will decrease.


He who is not with us, is against us.
Nice made up story.
The healthcare costs will have to be paid by the employees' companies and it will cost those companies more than before.
The result is that the employees wages and benefits will decrease.
Soooo, you say my description of the facts of what will happen is a 'made up story' and then you proceed to make up a story.

OK boomer.


Active Member
Yes because losing our healthcare and having a federal taxe on 30%+ of our income is a way better alternative. I’d rather the union collapse and me be a homeless vagabond than cast my ballot for a democrat.
Your insurance was never at risk. And you already pay about 18%. It would never went up.