helen, thats why they dont care, 3 billion is the reason. Im not trying to stir anything up with any of you, we are all co-workers. Im not trying to say that ups hasnt lost some accounts to fedex, dhl, etc. I know this business is competitive. But you all need to start complaining with your upper management about these issues. Do any of you agree that ups drivers are the key into stepping up things. If you think about it, its a huge bonus for ups. Also helen, ups says they cant compete with dhl pricing, many times...ok, three 3 billion, and you cant compete. There needs to be a updating in the philosophy of this company. Ok, 100 years and we do some of the same things we did since day one. Some things will never change, but in regards to being more competitive with pricing for small to medium customers, customers demands for little "extras" and having sales teams that are "local" and actually go visit customers once in a while( which the company has totally gone away from.) If your a small business in california, you shouldnt have a sales rep in texas, it just doesnt work. Finally, there needs to be open dialogue between corporate ups and local centers on feedback about customers. Bottom line, ups would rather try to micromanage drivers than hear real world feedback. Ups needs to finally kick the idea that their employees are trying to shut down the company...this is the mindset of SOME management.It just isnt true. I think if labor relations were better, the process of sales were looked at and changed then ups would find more customers to service.