What are you listening to? IV

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Well-Known Member

Andre Benjamin is one awesome and cool dude. One of my daughter's drum teachers was Outcast studio drummer and we got to meet Andre. The dude is a walking encyclopedia on jazz history and we loved talking jazz with him. One of my other daughters (guitarist) ran into Andre in a local music store buying a vintage clarinet and she got to hear him play and she said he was incredible. Good people in my book.


Well-Known Member
Lots of folks will be traveling today as we are about to do ourselves so here is some road music in the form of one of the great 12 bar blues standards with some of the guitar greats "breakin' it down!"



Well-Known Member
And you can't mention Johnny Winter around me without the greatest Jumpin' Jack Flash cover of all time IMO. Listen to this and you'll need less coffee to get cranked up this morning if you need any coffee at all!
