Where to Sign up for Driver Job?


Well-Known Member
I am in a HUB and trying to figure out how to bid on Driver Jobs. Just looking for the info on how the process works, Thank You

Step 1: find out who your Shop Steward is.

Step 2: find said Shop Steward.

Step 3: introduce yourself to said Shop Steward.

Step 4: Ask Shop Steward questions.


Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I am in a HUB and trying to figure out how to bid on Driver Jobs. Just looking for the info on how the process works, Thank You

Ya gotta find the driver clubhouse in the HUB that you need the secret driver password to enter. Beg a driver for it. Ofer to bribe with candy if you have to. Once you’re in, crayon your wishes on the front of the Holy DVIR Booklet. Someone might be in touch.
Ya gotta find the driver clubhouse in the HUB that you need the secret driver password to enter. Beg a driver for it. Ofer to bribe with candy if you have to. Once you’re in, crayon your wishes on the front of the Holy DVIR Booklet. Someone might be in touch.
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