$1000 Ft $500 PT bonus paid January 15 Express


Engorged Member
In other words, FedEx would have been better off to not give out the raise early, which would have been worse for the employees. Would you prefer that?

LOL at "should be making." If you "should be making" more than you're making, how come no employers are willing to give it to you?

Well, all I can tell you is that you'd flunk an intro to econ course in spectacular fashion.
Quit? Why on earth would people quit? What would they bitch and complain about?

Here's the bottom line. Fred isn't interested in "career" employees because he knows most of them only stay a couple of years, if that long, especially RTDs and other folks who can and do leave for much greener pastures. He only needs to create incentives to the extent that the routes get covered and that's about it.

Within a year or two, most employees are able to figure out that FedEx is a joke and the only ones staying are topped-out and /or too old to go elsewhere. Or, you continue to think like vantexan and his fellow Conservatives that Fred needs more government gifts and that you just need to work harder until you're a "millionaire" too.


Well-Known Member
Here's the bottom line. Fred isn't interested in "career" employees because he knows most of them only stay a couple of years, if that long, especially RTDs and other folks who can and do leave for much greener pastures. He only needs to create incentives to the extent that the routes get covered and that's about it.

Within a year or two, most employees are able to figure out that FedEx is a joke and the only ones staying are topped-out and /or too old to go elsewhere. Or, you continue to think like vantexan and his fellow Conservatives that Fred needs more government gifts and that you just need to work harder until you're a "millionaire" too.
Apparently you missed me being critical of the company in this thread. The difference between you and me is I refuse to be dishonest about what the company can and can't do. You just want what you want and think the company needs to figure out how to give it to you no matter what the real numbers are. You know, like liberals who think the government can spend and spend without any future negative consequences. But FedEx can't print money, something you can't grasp.


Well-Known Member
Here's the bottom line. Fred isn't interested in "career" employees because he knows most of them only stay a couple of years, if that long, especially RTDs and other folks who can and do leave for much greener pastures. He only needs to create incentives to the extent that the routes get covered and that's about it.
Incentives that were either disingenuous or false, like the step progression system. I got hired when I was 26 and was so enamored with the prospect of making $30 and hour that I didn’t even bother finishing my bachelor’s degree. Two years later, I realized it was codswallop, went back to school, and now I work from home every day. My buddy said they’ve had a cover driver on my route since I left in mid-November because I guess Fat Freddy overestimates how attractive his company is to work for.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
Incentives that were either disingenuous or false, like the step progression system. I got hired when I was 26 and was so enamored with the prospect of making $30 and hour that I didn’t even bother finishing my bachelor’s degree. Two years later, I realized it was *, went back to school, and now I work from home every day. My buddy said they’ve had a cover driver on my route since I left in mid-November because I guess Fat Freddy overestimates how attractive his company is to work for.
You work from home and bitch on this forum every day. You need a hobby


Engorged Member
Apparently you missed me being critical of the company in this thread. The difference between you and me is I refuse to be dishonest about what the company can and can't do. You just want what you want and think the company needs to figure out how to give it to you no matter what the real numbers are. You know, like liberals who think the government can spend and spend without any future negative consequences. But FedEx can't print money, something you can't grasp.

Trump and the GOP have spent like drunken sailors, and that is well BEFORE Covid-19. Trump & Company also gifted Big Business with incredible tax breaks, basically a gift to the 1% types like Fred. FedEx was on the ropes before Covid, and now they're making bank, sir. Employees are able to negotiate when they are in a position of strength, like they are today. Express is making a lot of money, and the new normal of an online economy seems assured for at least the next several years. Push when it's time to push, and that time is now.

One of the things quality employers do is retain good employees, because it's smart, not only in terms of overall competency but also because it saves big money. A revolving door also spits out cash as quickly as it takes in and then expels workers. WalMart, Old Dominion, and even UPS look at employees differently than Fred and Dano. You and I and even OF (or whatever he calls himself now) were always nothing but an employee number, as useless to Fredward as used toilet paper.

BTW, how are you going to get your SS and Medicare government entitlements after they either go broke or extend the eligibility age out even farther? One of the first attacks promised by Mitch McConnell in the "second" Trump administration was on Medicare and Social Security, or have you forgotten? That's how they'll make up the deficits caused by rampant GOP spending and huge tax gifts to corporations, which did NOT trickle down.


Engorged Member
Incentives that were either disingenuous or false, like the step progression system. I got hired when I was 26 and was so enamored with the prospect of making $30 and hour that I didn’t even bother finishing my bachelor’s degree. Two years later, I realized it was *, went back to school, and now I work from home every day. My buddy said they’ve had a cover driver on my route since I left in mid-November because I guess Fat Freddy overestimates how attractive his company is to work for.

The whole "Step Progression" deal is a farce. Just before I left, I worked with 2 employees with over 20 years of service, neither of whom were topped-out due to having letters on file etc. What a joke, yet people keep falling for it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Does anyone on here bitch more than you? "Waaaaaaaaaaaaa. People don't like FedEx. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. People complain too much. Waaaaaaaaa. People don't see how superior I am to them. Waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa waaaaaa."

I have no complaints about the job and few complaints about the company. Meanwhile, you continue to complain about a job you no longer have at a company that no longer employs you. Has Christmas aggravated your vaginitis?


Well-Known Member
I have no complaints about the job and few complaints about the company. Meanwhile, you continue to complain about a job you no longer have at a company that no longer employs you. Has Christmas aggravated your vaginitis?
Of course. Most sycophants don’t complain much about the boot they’re licking.


Well-Known Member
The whole "Step Progression" deal is a farce. Just before I left, I worked with 2 employees with over 20 years of service, neither of whom were topped-out due to having letters on file etc. What a joke, yet people keep falling for it.
The second time they reneged on the step progression, they sent the district manager (total prick btw) down from New York to “give it to us straight.” He spent 20 minutes kissing ass and telling us how Fred S “cares about each and every one of us” (direct quote) and he even brought up Fred S’s military service, as if that made one damn bit of difference. That overweight, sweaty shill is the face I put to all of Dano’s posts.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
The second time they reneged on the step progression, they sent the district manager (total prick btw) down from New York to “give it to us straight.” He spent 20 minutes kissing ass and telling us how Fred S “cares about each and every one of us” (direct quote) and he even brought up Fred S’s military service, as if that made one damn bit of difference. That overweight, sweaty shill is the face I put to all of Dano’s posts.
Why worry about it? Didn't you get another job? Or was that a lie as well?


Well-Known Member
Trump and the GOP have spent like drunken sailors, and that is well BEFORE Covid-19. Trump & Company also gifted Big Business with incredible tax breaks, basically a gift to the 1% types like Fred. FedEx was on the ropes before Covid, and now they're making bank, sir. Employees are able to negotiate when they are in a position of strength, like they are today. Express is making a lot of money, and the new normal of an online economy seems assured for at least the next several years. Push when it's time to push, and that time is now.

One of the things quality employers do is retain good employees, because it's smart, not only in terms of overall competency but also because it saves big money. A revolving door also spits out cash as quickly as it takes in and then expels workers. WalMart, Old Dominion, and even UPS look at employees differently than Fred and Dano. You and I and even OF (or whatever he calls himself now) were always nothing but an employee number, as useless to Fredward as used toilet paper.

BTW, how are you going to get your SS and Medicare government entitlements after they either go broke or extend the eligibility age out even farther? One of the first attacks promised by Mitch McConnell in the "second" Trump administration was on Medicare and Social Security, or have you forgotten? That's how they'll make up the deficits caused by rampant GOP spending and huge tax gifts to corporations, which did NOT trickle down.
Not thrilled with the spending either but you seem to have missed my criticism of FedEx doing very well now but not sticking to the step progression pay plan. But the fantasy of paying like UPS isn't possible and you know it.